RichDEM C++ Reference

template <class T>
class A2Array2D

Public Functions

A2Array2D(std::string layoutfile, int cachesize)
A2Array2D(std::string prefix, int per_tile_width, int per_tile_height, int width, int height, int cachesize)
template <class U>
A2Array2D(std::string filename_template, const A2Array2D<U> &other, int cachesize)
T &operator()(int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t x, int32_t y)
T &operator()(int32_t x, int32_t y)
void makeQuadIndex(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t &tx, int32_t &ty, int32_t &px, int32_t &py) const
int32_t width() const
int32_t height() const
int32_t widthInTiles() const
int32_t heightInTiles() const
int32_t notNullTiles() const
int32_t tileWidth(int32_t tx, int32_t ty) const
int32_t tileHeight(int32_t tx, int32_t ty) const
int32_t stdTileHeight() const
int32_t stdTileWidth() const
void setAll(const T &val)
bool isNoData(int32_t x, int32_t y)
bool isNoData(int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t px, int32_t py)
bool isReadonly() const
GDALDataType myGDALType() const

Returns the GDAL data type of the A2Array2D template type.

void saveGDAL(std::string outputname_template)
void saveUnifiedGDAL(const std::string outputname)
void setNoData(const T &ndval)
int32_t getEvictions() const
bool isNullTile(int32_t tx, int32_t ty) const
bool isEdgeCell(int32_t x, int32_t y) const
bool in_grid(int32_t x, int32_t y) const
bool isInteriorCell(int32_t x, int32_t y) const
void printStamp(int size)
void loadTile(int tx, int ty)

Public Members

bool flipH = false
bool flipV = false

Private Functions

void _LoadTile(int tile_x, int tile_y)

Private Members

std::vector<bool> null_tile_quick
int quick_width_in_tiles
int quick_height_in_tiles
std::vector<std::vector<WrappedArray2D>> data
LRU<WrappedArray2D *> lru
int32_t not_null_tiles = 0
int64_t total_width_in_cells = 0
int64_t total_height_in_cells = 0
int32_t per_tile_width = 0
int32_t per_tile_height = 0
int32_t evictions = 0
int64_t cells_in_not_null_tiles = 0
T no_data_to_set
bool readonly = true


friend richdem::A2Array2D::A2Array2D
template <class T>
class Array2D
#include <Array2D.hpp>

Class to hold and manipulate GDAL and native rasters.

Array2D manages a two-dimensional raster dataset. Passed a request to load such data, it peeks at the file header and can either load data on construction or wait until a later point. It can also offload data to disk.

Richard Barnes (

Array2D permits simple copy construction as well as templated copies, which transfer projections and geotransforms, but not the actual data. This is useful for say, create a flow directions raster which is homologous to a DEM.

Array2D implements two addressing schemes: “xy” and “i”. All methods are available in each scheme; users may use whichever is convenient. The xy-scheme accesses raster cells by their xy-coordinates. The i-scheme accesses cells by their address in a flat array. Internally, xy-addresses are converted to i-addresses. i-addressing is frequently faster because it reduces the space needed to store coordinates and requires no addressing mathematics; however, xy-addressing may be more intuitive. It is suggested to develop algorithms using xy-addressing and then convert them to i-addressing if additional speed is desired. The results of the two versions can then be compared against each other to verify that using i-addressing has not introduced any errors.

Unnamed Group

xy_t view_xoff = 0

A rectangular subregion of a larger raster can be extracted. These variables store the offsets of this subregion in case the subregion needs to be saved into a raster with other subregions

xy_t view_yoff = 0

Public Types

typedef int32_t xy_t

xy-addressing data type

typedef uint32_t i_t

i-addressing data type

Public Functions

void saveToCache(const std::string &filename)

Saves raster to a simply-structure file on disk, possibly using compression.

Using loadData() after running this function will result in data being loaded from the cache, rather than the original file (if any).

Array2D(xy_t width, xy_t height, const T &val = T())

Creates a raster of the specified dimensions.

  • width: Width of the raster
  • height: Height of the raster
  • val: Initial value of all the raster’s cells. Defaults to the Array2D template type’s default value

Array2D(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T>> values)
Array2D(T *data0, const xy_t width, const xy_t height)

Wraps a flat array in an Array2D object.

Wraps a flat array in an Array2D object. The Array2D does not take ownership of the data.

  • data0: Pointer to data to wrap
  • width: Width of the data
  • height: Height of the data

template <class U>
Array2D(const Array2D<U> &other, const T &val = T())

Create a raster with the same properties and dimensions as another raster. No data is copied between the two.

  • other: Raster whose properties and dimensions should be copied
  • val: Initial value of all the raster’s cells.

template <class U>
Array2D(const Array3D<U> &other, const T &val = T())

Create a raster with the same properties and dimensions as another raster. No data is copied between the two.

  • other: Raster whose properties and dimensions should be copied
  • val: Initial value of all the raster’s cells.

Array2D(const std::string &filename)
Array2D(const std::string &filename, bool native, xy_t xOffset = 0, xy_t yOffset = 0, xy_t part_width = 0, xy_t part_height = 0, bool exact = false, bool load_data = true)


void setCacheFilename(const std::string &filename)
void dumpData()

Caches the raster data and all its properties to disk. Data is then purged from RAM.

Calls to loadData() after this will result in data being loaded from the cache.

void loadData()

Loads data from disk into RAM.

If dumpData() has been previously called, data is loaded from the cache; otherwise, it is loaded from a GDAL file. No data is loaded if data is already present in RAM.

T *getData()

Returns a pointer to the internal data array.

const T *getData() const

Returns a constant pointer to the internal data array.

T *data()

Returns a pointer to the internal data array.

const T *data() const

Returns a constant pointer to the internal data array.

i_t size() const

Number of cells in the DEM.

xy_t width() const

Width of the raster.

xy_t height() const

Height of the raster.

xy_t viewXoff() const

X-Offset of this subregion of whatever raster we loaded from.

xy_t viewYoff() const

Y-Offset of this subregion of whatever raster we loaded from.

bool empty() const

Returns TRUE if no data is present in RAM.

T noData() const

Returns the NoData value of the raster. Cells equal to this value sould generally not be used in calculations. But note that the isNoData() method is a much better choice for testing whether a cell is NoData or not.

T min() const

Finds the minimum value of the raster, ignoring NoData cells.

T max() const

Finds the maximum value of the raster, ignoring NoData cells.

void replace(const T oldval, const T newval)

Replace one cell value with another throughout the raster. Can operate on NoData cells.

  • oldval: Value to be replaced
  • newval: Value to replace ‘oldval’ with

i_t countval(const T val) const

Counts the number of occurrences of a particular value in the raster. Can operate on NoData cells.

The number of times ‘val’ appears in the raster. Will be 0 if raster is not loaded in RAM.
  • val: Value to be be counted

i_t i0() const
void iToxy(const i_t i, xy_t &x, xy_t &y) const

Convert from index coordinates to x,y coordinates.

  • i: Index coordinate
  • x: X-coordinate of i
  • y: Y-coordinate of i

i_t xyToI(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Convert from x,y coordinates to index coordinates.

Returns the index coordinate i of (x,y)
  • x: X-coordinate to convert
  • y: Y-coordinate to convert

i_t nToI(i_t i, xy_t dx, xy_t dy) const

Given a cell identified by an i-coordinate, return the i-coordinate of the neighbour identified by dx,dy.

i-coordinate of the neighbour. Usually referred to as ‘ni’
  • i: i-coordinate of cell whose neighbour needs to be identified
  • dx: x-displacement of the neighbour from i
  • dy: y-displacement of the neighbour from i

i_t getN(i_t i, uint8_t n) const

Given a cell identified by an i-coordinate, return the i-coordinate of the neighbour identified by n.

i-coordinate of the neighbour. Usually referred to as ‘ni’
  • i: i-coordinate of cell whose neighbour needs to be identified
  • n: Neighbour to be identified

int nshift(const uint8_t n) const

Return the offset of the neighbour cell identified by n.

Offset of the neighbour n
  • n: Neighbour for which offset should be retrieved

bool operator==(const Array2D<T> &o) const

Determine if two rasters are equivalent based on dimensions, NoData value, and their data.

bool isNoData(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Whether or not a cell is NoData using x,y coordinates.

Returns TRUE if the cell is NoData
  • x: X-coordinate of cell to test
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell to test

bool isNoData(i_t i) const

Whether or not a cell is NoData using i coordinates.

Returns TRUE if the cell is NoData
  • i: i-coordinate of cell to test

bool isData(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Whether or not a cell is NoData using x,y coordinates.

Returns TRUE if the cell is NoData
  • x: X-coordinate of cell to test
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell to test

bool isData(i_t i) const

Whether or not a cell is NoData using i coordinates.

Returns TRUE if the cell is NoData
  • i: i-coordinate of cell to test

void flipVert()

Flips the raster from top to bottom.

void flipHorz()

Flips the raster from side-to-side.

void transpose()

Flips the raster about its diagonal axis, like a matrix tranpose.

bool inGrid(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Test whether a cell lies within the boundaries of the raster.

TRUE if cell lies within the raster
  • x: X-coordinate of cell to test
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell to test

bool isEdgeCell(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Test whether a cell lies on the boundary of the raster.

TRUE if cell lies on the raster’s boundary
  • x: X-coordinate of cell to test
  • y: X-coordinate of cell to test

bool isTopLeft(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Determines whether an (x,y) pair is the top left of the DEM.

True, if the (x,y) pair is the top left of the DEM; otherwise, false

bool isTopRight(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Determines whether an (x,y) pair is the top right of the DEM.

True, if the (x,y) pair is the top right of the DEM; otherwise, false

bool isBottomLeft(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Determines whether an (x,y) pair is the bottom left of the DEM.

True, if the (x,y) pair is the bottom left of the DEM; otherwise, false

bool isBottomRight(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Determines whether an (x,y) pair is the bottom right of the DEM.

True, if the (x,y) pair is the bottom right of the DEM; otherwise, false

bool isTopRow(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Determines whether an (x,y) pair is in the top row of the DEM.

True, if the (x,y) pair is in the top row of the DEM; otherwise, false

bool isBottomRow(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Determines whether an (x,y) pair is in the bottom row of the DEM.

True, if the (x,y) pair is in the bottom row of the DEM; otherwise, false

bool isLeftCol(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Determines whether an (x,y) pair is in the left column of the DEM.

True, if the (x,y) pair is in the left column of the DEM; otherwise, false

bool isRightCol(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Determines whether an (x,y) pair is in the right column of the DEM.

True, if the (x,y) pair is in the right column of the DEM; otherwise, false

bool isEdgeCell(i_t i) const

Test whether a cell lies on the boundary of the raster.

TRUE if cell lies on the raster’s boundary
  • i: i-coordinate of cell to test

void setNoData(const T &ndval)

Sets the NoData value of the raster.

  • ndval: Value to change NoData to

void setAll(const T val)

Sets all of the raster’s cells to ‘val’.

  • val: Value to change the cells to

void resize(const xy_t width0, const xy_t height0, const T &val0 = T())

Resize the raster. Note: this clears all the raster’s data.

  • width0: New width of the raster
  • height0: New height of the raster
  • val0: Value to set all the cells to. Defaults to the raster’s template type default value

template <class U>
void resize(const Array2D<U> &other, const T &val = T())
void expand(uint64_t new_width, uint64_t new_height, const T val)

Makes a raster larger and retains the raster’s old data, similar to resize.

Note: Using this command requires RAM equal to the sum of the old raster and the new raster. The old raster is placed in the upper-left of the new raster.

  • new_width: New width of the raster. Must be >= the old width.
  • new_height: New height of the raster. Must be >= the old height.
  • val: Value to set the new cells to

void countDataCells() const

Counts the number of cells which are not NoData.

i_t numDataCells() const

Returns the number of cells which are not NoData. May count them.

Returns the number of cells which are not NoData.

T &operator()(i_t i)

Return cell value based on i-coordinate.

The value of the cell identified by ‘i’
  • i: i-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.

T operator()(i_t i) const

Return cell value based on i-coordinate.

The value of the cell identified by ‘i’
  • i: i-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.

T &operator()(xy_t x, xy_t y)

Return cell value based on x,y coordinates.

The value of the cell identified by x,y
  • x: X-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.

T operator()(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Return cell value based on x,y coordinates.

The value of the cell identified by x,y
  • x: X-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.

std::vector<T> topRow() const

Returns a copy of the top row of the raster.

A vector containing a copy of the top row of the raster

std::vector<T> bottomRow() const

Returns a copy of the bottom row of the raster.

A vector containing a copy of the bottom row of the raster

std::vector<T> leftColumn() const

Returns a copy of the left column of the raster.

Top to bottom is reoriented as left to right.

A vector containing a copy of the left column of the raster

std::vector<T> rightColumn() const

Returns a copy of the right column of the raster.

Top to bottom is reoriented as left to right.

A vector containing a copy of the right column of the raster

void setRow(xy_t y, const T &val)

Sets an entire row of a raster to a given value.

  • y: The row to be set
  • val: The value to set the row to

void setCol(xy_t x, const T &val)

Sets an entire column of a raster to a given value.

  • x: The column to be set
  • val: The value to set the column to

void setEdges(const T &val)

Sets the edges of the array to a given value.

  • val: The value to set the edges to

std::vector<T> getRowData(xy_t y) const

Returns a copy of an arbitrary row of the raster.

A vector containing a copy of the selected row
  • y: The row to retrieve

std::vector<T> getColData(xy_t x) const

Returns a copy of an arbitrary column of the raster.

A vector containing a copy of the selected column
  • x: The column to retrieve

void clear()

Clears all raster data from RAM.

template <class U>
void templateCopy(const Array2D<U> &other)

Copies the geotransform, projection, and basename of another raster.

  • other: Raster to copy from

void printStamp(int size, std::string msg = "") const

Output a square of cells useful for determining raster orientation.

This method prints out a square block of cells whose upper-left corner is the (integer-division) center of the raster.

Stamps are only shown if the SHOW_STAMPS preprocessor variable is set.

Since algorithms may have to flip rasters horizontally or vertically before manipulating them, it is important that all algorithms work on data in the same orientation. This method, used in testing, helps a user ensure that their algorithm is orientating data correctly.

  • size: Output stamp will be size x size
  • msg: Message to print prior to the stamp

void printBlock(const int radius, const xy_t x0, const xy_t y0, bool color = false, const std::string msg = "", const int fwidth = 5, const int precision = 0) const

Prints a square of cells centered at x,y. Useful for debugging.

  • radius: Output stamp will be 2*radius x 2*radius
  • x0: X-coordinate of block center
  • y0: Y-coordinate of block center
  • color: Print the (x,y) cell in colour?
  • msg: Optional message to print above the block
  • fwidth: Field width in which to print each array value
  • precision: Number of decimal digits to display

void printAll(const std::string msg = "", const int fwidth = 5, const int precision = 0) const

Prints the entire array.

  • msg: Optional message to print above the block
  • fwidth: Field width to print to
  • precision: Precision (number of decimal digits) to print

void printAllFlows(const std::string msg = "", const int fwidth = 5) const

Prints the entire array as flow directions.

  • msg: Optional message to print above the block
  • fwidth: Field width to print to
  • precision: Precision (number of decimal digits) to print

void printBlockIndices(const int radius, const xy_t x0, const xy_t y0, bool color = false, const std::string msg = "", const int fwidth = 5) const

Prints a square of cells centered at x,y indicating the index of each.

  • radius: Output stamp will be 2*radius x 2*radius
  • x0: X-coordinate of block center
  • y0: Y-coordinate of block center
  • color: Print the (x,y) cell in colour?
  • msg: Optional message to print above the block
  • fwidth: Field width in which to print each array value

void printAllIndices(const std::string msg = "") const

Prints the flat indices of the entire array.

  • msg: Optional message to print above the block

double getCellArea() const

Get the area of an individual cell in square projection units.

The area of the cell in square projection units

double getCellLengthX() const

Get the length of a cell along the raster’s horizontal axis.

The length of the cell along the raster’s horizontal axis

double getCellLengthY() const

Get the length of a cell along the raster’s horizontal axis.

The length of the cell along the raster’s horizontal axis

void scale(const double x)

Multiplies the entire array by a scalar.

  • x: Value to multiply array by

bool owned() const

Public Members

std::string filename

File, if any, from which the data was loaded.

std::string basename

Filename without path or extension.

std::vector<double> geotransform

Geotransform of the raster.

std::string projection

Projection of the raster.

std::map<std::string, std::string> metadata

Raster’s metadata in key-value pairs.

Public Static Attributes

const i_t NO_I = std::numeric_limits<i_t>::max()

Private Functions

void loadNative(const std::string &filename, bool load_data = true)


Private Members

std::array<int, 9> _nshift

Offset to neighbouring cells;.

ManagedVector<T> _data

this improves caching versus a 2D array

Holds the raster data in a 1D array

T no_data = -1

NoData value of the raster.

i_t num_data_cells = NO_I

Number of cells which are not NoData.

xy_t view_width = 0

Height of raster in cells.

xy_t view_height = 0

Width of raster in cells.

bool from_cache

If TRUE, loadData() loads data from the cache assuming the Native format. Otherwise, it assumes it is loading from a GDAL file.


friend richdem::Array2D::Array2D
friend richdem::Array2D::Array3D
template <class T>
class Array3D
#include <Array3D.hpp>

Class to hold and 2D rasters with neighbour information.

Array3D manages a two-dimensional raster dataset with information about neighbours.

Richard Barnes (

Array3D implements two addressing schemes: “xyn” and “i”. All methods are available in each scheme; users may use whichever is convenient. The xyn- scheme accesses raster cells by their xyn-coordinates. The i-scheme accesses cells by their address in a flat array. Internally, xyn-addresses are converted to i-addresses. i-addressing is frequently faster because it reduces the space needed to store coordinates and requires no addressing mathematics; however, xyn-addressing may be more intuitive. It is suggested to develop algorithms using xyn-addressing and then convert them to i-addressing if additional speed is desired. The results of the two versions can then be compared against each other to verify that using i-addressing has not introduced any errors.

Unnamed Group

xy_t view_xoff = 0

A rectangular subregion of a larger raster can be extracted. These variables store the offsets of this subregion in case the subregion needs to be saved into a raster with other subregions

xy_t view_yoff = 0

Public Types

typedef int32_t xy_t

xy-addressing data type

typedef std::size_t i_t

i-addressing data type

typedef uint8_t n_t

neighbour addressing data type

Public Functions

Array3D(xy_t width, xy_t height, const T &val = T())

Creates a raster of the specified dimensions.

  • width: Width of the raster
  • height: Height of the raster
  • val: Initial value of all the raster’s cells. Defaults to the Array3D template type’s default value

Array3D(T *data0, const xy_t width, const xy_t height)

Wraps a flat array in an Array3D object.

Wraps a flat array in an Array3D object. The Array3D does not take ownership of the data.

  • data0: Pointer to data to wrap
  • width: Width of the data
  • height: Height of the data

template <class U>
Array3D(const Array3D<U> &other, const T &val = T())

Create a raster with the same properties and dimensions as another raster. No data is copied between the two.

  • other: Raster whose properties and dimensions should be copied
  • val: Initial value of all the raster’s cells.

template <class U>
Array3D(const Array2D<U> &other, const T &val = T())

Create a raster with the same properties and dimensions as another raster. No data is copied between the two.

  • other: Raster whose properties and dimensions should be copied
  • val: Initial value of all the raster’s cells.

T *getData()

Returns a pointer to the internal data array.

i_t size() const

Number of cells in the DEM.

xy_t width() const

Width of the raster.

xy_t height() const

Height of the raster.

xy_t viewXoff() const

X-Offset of this subregion of whatever raster we loaded from.

xy_t viewYoff() const

Y-Offset of this subregion of whatever raster we loaded from.

bool empty() const

Returns TRUE if no data is present in RAM.

T noData() const

Returns the NoData value of the raster. Cells equal to this value sould generally not be used in calculations. But note that the isNoData() method is a much better choice for testing whether a cell is NoData or not.

i_t i0() const
i_t xyToI(xy_t x, xy_t y, n_t n) const

Convert from x,y coordinates to index coordinates.

Returns the index coordinate i of (x,y)
  • x: X-coordinate to convert
  • y: Y-coordinate to convert

bool operator==(const Array3D<T> &o) const

Determine if two rasters are equivalent based on dimensions, NoData value, and their data.

bool isNoData(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Whether or not a cell is NoData using x,y coordinates.

Returns TRUE if the cell is NoData
  • x: X-coordinate of cell to test
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell to test

bool isNoData(i_t i) const

Whether or not a cell is NoData using i coordinates.

Returns TRUE if the cell is NoData
  • i: i-coordinate of cell to test

bool inGrid(xy_t x, xy_t y) const

Test whether a cell lies within the boundaries of the raster.

TRUE if cell lies within the raster
  • x: X-coordinate of cell to test
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell to test

void setNoData(const T &ndval)

Sets the NoData value of the raster.

  • ndval: Value to change NoData to

void setAll(const T val)

Sets all of the raster’s cells to ‘val’.

  • val: Value to change the cells to

void resize(const xy_t width0, const xy_t height0, const T &val0 = T())

Resize the raster. Note: this clears all the raster’s data.

  • width0: New width of the raster
  • height0: New height of the raster
  • val0: Value to set all the cells to. Defaults to the raster’s template type default value

template <class U>
void resize(const Array3D<U> &other, const T &val = T())
void countDataCells() const

Counts the number of cells which are not NoData.

i_t numDataCells() const

Returns the number of cells which are not NoData. May count them.

Returns the number of cells which are not NoData.

T &operator()(xy_t x, xy_t y, n_t n)

Return cell value based on x,y coordinates.

The value of the cell identified by x,y
  • x: X-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.

T operator()(xy_t x, xy_t y, n_t n) const

Return cell value based on x,y coordinates.

The value of the cell identified by x,y
  • x: X-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.
  • y: Y-coordinate of cell whose data should be fetched.

T getIN(i_t i, n_t n) const
T &getIN(i_t i, n_t n)
void clear()

Clears all raster data from RAM.

bool owned() const

Public Members

std::string filename

File, if any, from which the data was loaded.

std::string basename

Filename without path or extension.

std::vector<double> geotransform

Geotransform of the raster.

std::string projection

Projection of the raster.

std::map<std::string, std::string> metadata

Raster’s metadata in key-value pairs.

Public Static Attributes

const i_t NO_I = std::numeric_limits<i_t>::max()

Private Members

ManagedVector<T> data

Holds the raster data in a 1D array this improves caching versus a 2D array

T no_data

NoData value of the raster.

i_t num_data_cells = NO_I

Number of cells which are not NoData.

xy_t view_width = 0

Height of raster in cells.

xy_t view_height = 0

Width of raster in cells.


friend richdem::Array3D::Array2D
friend richdem::Array3D::Array3D
class GridCell
#include <grid_cell.hpp>

Stores the (x,y) coordinates of a grid cell.

Subclassed by richdem::GridCellZ< elev_t >, richdem::GridCellZ< double >, richdem::GridCellZ< float >

Public Functions


Initiate the grid cell without coordinates; should generally be avoided.

GridCell(int x, int y)

Initiate the grid cell to the coordinates (x0,y0)

Public Members

int x

Grid cell’s x-coordinate.

int y

Grid cell’s y-coordinate

template <class elev_t>
class GridCellZ
#include <grid_cell.hpp>

Stores the (x,y,z) coordinates of a grid cell; useful for priority sorting with GridCellZ_pq.

Inherits from richdem::GridCell

Subclassed by richdem::GridCellZk_high< elev_t >, richdem::GridCellZk_low< elev_t >

Public Functions

GridCellZ(int x, int y, elev_t z)
bool isnan() const
bool operator>(const GridCellZ<elev_t> &a) const

Public Members

elev_t z

Grid cell’s z-coordinate.

template <>
class GridCellZ<double>
#include <grid_cell.hpp>

An (x,y,z) cell with NaNs taken as infinitely small numbers.

Inherits from richdem::GridCell

Public Functions

GridCellZ(int x, int y, double z)
bool isnan() const
bool operator<(const GridCellZ<double> &a) const
bool operator>(const GridCellZ<double> &a) const
bool operator>=(const GridCellZ<double> &a) const
bool operator<=(const GridCellZ<double> &a) const
bool operator==(const GridCellZ<double> &a) const
bool operator!=(const GridCellZ<double> &a) const

Public Members

double z

Grid cell’s z-coordinate.

template <>
class GridCellZ<float>
#include <grid_cell.hpp>

An (x,y,z) cell with NaNs taken as infinitely small numbers.

Inherits from richdem::GridCell

Public Functions

GridCellZ(int x, int y, float z)
bool isnan() const

Compare cells based on elevation. (TODO: Distribute)

bool operator<(const GridCellZ<float> &a) const
bool operator>(const GridCellZ<float> &a) const
bool operator>=(const GridCellZ<float> &a) const
bool operator<=(const GridCellZ<float> &a) const
bool operator==(const GridCellZ<float> &a) const
bool operator!=(const GridCellZ<float> &a) const

Public Members

float z

Grid cell’s z-coordinate.

template <class elev_t>
class GridCellZk_high
#include <grid_cell.hpp>

Stores the (x,y,z) coordinates of a grid cell and a priority indicator k; used by GridCellZk_pq to return cells in order of elevation from lowest to highest. If elevations are equal then the cell added last is popped from the priority queue.

Inherits from richdem::GridCellZ< elev_t >

Public Functions

GridCellZk_high(int x, int y, elev_t z, int k)
bool operator>(const GridCellZk_high<elev_t> &a) const

Public Members

int k

Used to store an integer to make sorting stable.

template <typename T>
class GridCellZk_high_pq
#include <grid_cell.hpp>

A priority queue of GridCellZk, sorted by ascending height or, if heights are equal, by the order of insertion. “high” means that cells with a higher insertion number (inserted later) are returned first.

Inherits from std::priority_queue< GridCellZk_high< T >, std::vector< GridCellZk_high< T > >, std::greater< GridCellZk_high< T > > >

Public Functions

void push()
void emplace(int x, int y, T z)

Private Members

uint64_t count = 0
template <class elev_t>
class GridCellZk_low
#include <grid_cell.hpp>

Stores the (x,y,z) coordinates of a grid cell and a priority indicator k; used by GridCellZk_pq to return cells in order of elevation from lowest to highest. If elevations are equal then the cell added first is popped from the priority queue.

Inherits from richdem::GridCellZ< elev_t >

Public Functions

GridCellZk_low(int x, int y, elev_t z, int k)
bool operator>(const GridCellZk_low<elev_t> &a) const

Public Members

int k

Used to store an integer to make sorting stable.

template <typename T>
class GridCellZk_low_pq
#include <grid_cell.hpp>

A priority queue of GridCellZk, sorted by ascending height or, if heights are equal, by the order of insertion. “low” means that cells with a lower insertion number (inserted earlier) are returned first.

Inherits from std::priority_queue< GridCellZk_low< T >, std::vector< GridCellZk_low< T > >, std::greater< GridCellZk_low< T > > >

Public Functions

void push()
void emplace(int x, int y, T z)

Private Members

uint64_t count = 0
class LayoutfileReader
#include <Layoutfile.hpp>

Used for reading a layoutfile describing a tiled dataset.

The class acts as a generator. The layoutfile is read on construction and its contents retrieved with next(). The Layoutfile specification can be found in Layoutfile.hpp.

Public Functions

LayoutfileReader(std::string layout_filename)

Construct a new LayoutfileReader object reading from a given file.

Richard Barnes
  • layout_filename: Layoutfile to read from.

bool next()

Advance the reader to the next layoutfile entry.

True if reader advanced successfully; false if not.

bool newRow() const

True if the current entry is the beginning of a new row.

const std::string &getFilename() const

The current entry’s filename without the path (e.g. “file.ext”).

const std::string &getBasename() const

The current entry’s filename without the path or extension (e.g. “file”).

const std::string getFullPath() const

The current entry’s path + filename (e.g. “path/to/file.ext”).

const std::string getGridLocName() const

Return a string representation of the current entry’s coordinates.

A layoutfile is a 2D grid of file names. This method returns the current entry’s position in that grid as <X>_<Y>

Current entry’s position as a string of the form <X>_<Y>

const std::string &getPath() const

Path of layoutfile: of “path/to/layoutfile.layout” returns “path/to/”.

bool isNullTile() const

True if the current entry was a blank

int getX() const

X-coordinate of the current entry.

int getY() const

Y-coordinate of the current entry.

Private Members

std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fgrid

Stores the grid of filenames extracted from the layoutfile.

int gridy = -1
int gridx = -2
int new_row = false
std::string filename
std::string basename
std::string path
class LayoutfileWriter
#include <Layoutfile.hpp>

Used for creating a layoutfile describing a tiled dataset.

The class acts as an inverse generator. The layoutfile is created on construction and its contents appended to with addEntry(). The Layoutfile specification can be found in Layoutfile.hpp.

Public Functions

LayoutfileWriter(std::string layout_filename)

File output stream for the layout file.

Constructs a new writer object

  • layout_filename: Path+Filename of layoutfile to write

void addRow()

Adds a new row to the layoutfile.

void addEntry(std::string filename)

Add a new entry to the layout file.

  • filename: File to add. Use filename="" to indicate a null tile.

Private Members

int gridx
int gridy

Current column being written to.

std::string path

Current row being written to.

std::ofstream flout

Path of layoutfile.

template <class T>
class LRU
#include <lru.hpp>

A Least-Recently Used (LRU) cache.

Public Functions


Construct a new LRU.

void insert(const T &entry)

Insert an item into the LRU.

The item is either added to the queue or its entry is moved to the top of the queue. If the item is new and the length of the queue is greater than maxlen, then the least recently seen item is evicted from the queue.

  • entry: The item to add to the queue.

int size() const

Returns the number of itmes in the LRU cache.

Number of items in the LRU cache

bool full() const

Is the LRU cache full?

True if the LRU cache is full; otherwise, false.

void setCapacity(int n)

Set the maximum capacity of the LRU cache.

int getCapacity() const

Returns the capacity of the LRU cache.

The capacity of the LRU cache

T back() const

Return the least-recently used item in the LRU cache.

The least-recently used item in the LRU cache.

void pop_back()

Evict the least-recently used item out of the LRU cache.

void prune()

Evict items from the LRU cache until it is within its capacity.

Public Members

cachetype cache

The cache.

Private Types

typedef std::list<T> cachetype

Container used for storage by the cache.

Private Members

int len

Number of items in the cache.

int maxlen

Maximum size the cache is allowed to be.

T last

Copy of the last inserted item. Speeds up insertion. TODO: This’d be better as a pointer.

std::unordered_map<T, typename std::list<T>::iterator> visited

Used for O(1) access to members.

template <class T>
class ManagedVector
#include <ManagedVector.hpp>

ManagedVector works like a regular vector, but can wrap external memory.

Public Functions


Creates an empty ManagedVector.

ManagedVector(std::size_t size, T default_val = T())

Creates a ManagedVector with size members each set to default_val

  • size: Number of elements to be created in the vector
  • default_val: Initial value of the elements

ManagedVector(T *data, std::size_t size)

Creates a ManagedVector which wraps data0 of length size0

  • data: Memory to wrap
  • size: Number of elements to wrap

template <class U>
ManagedVector(const ManagedVector<U> &other)
ManagedVector(const ManagedVector<T> &other)
template <class U>
ManagedVector(ManagedVector<U> &&other)
template <class U>
ManagedVector<T> &operator=(const ManagedVector<U> &other)
ManagedVector<T> &operator=(const ManagedVector<T> &other)
template <class U>
ManagedVector<T> &operator=(ManagedVector<U> &&other)

Move assignment operator

T *data()

Get a raw pointer to the managed data

A raw pointer to the managed data

const T *data() const

Get a raw constant pointer to the managed data

A raw constant pointer to the managed data

bool empty() const

Are there more than zero elements being managed?

True, if zero elements are managed; otherwise, false

std::size_t size() const

Get the number of elements being managed

The number of elements being managed

bool owned() const

Determine whether the ManagedVector owns the memory it is managing

True, if this ManagedVector owns its memory; otherwise, false

void resize(std::size_t new_size)
T &operator[](std::size_t i)
const T &operator[](std::size_t i) const

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<T[]> _data
bool _owned = true

If this is true, we are responsible for clean-up of the data.

std::size_t _size = 0

Number of elements being managed.


friend richdem::ManagedVector::ManagedVector
class ProgressBar
#include <ProgressBar.hpp>

Manages a console-based progress bar to keep the user entertained.

Defining the global RICHDEM_NO_PROGRESS will disable all progress operations, potentially speeding up a program. The look of the progress bar is shown in ProgressBar.hpp.

Public Functions

void start(uint32_t total_work)

Start/reset the progress bar.

  • total_work: The amount of work to be completed, usually specified in cells.

void update(uint32_t work_done0)

Update the visible progress bar, but only if enough work has been done.

Define the global RICHDEM_NO_PROGRESS flag to prevent this from having an effect. Doing so may speed up the program’s execution.

ProgressBar &operator++()

Increment by one the work done and update the progress bar.

double stop()

Stop the progress bar. Throws an exception if it wasn’t started.

The number of seconds the progress bar was running.

double time_it_took()

Return the time the progress bar ran for.

uint32_t cellsProcessed() const

Private Functions

void clearConsoleLine() const

Clear current line on console so a new progress bar can be written.

Private Members

uint32_t total_work

Total work to be accomplished.

uint32_t next_update

Next point to update the visible progress bar.

uint32_t call_diff

Interval between updates in work units.

uint32_t work_done
uint16_t old_percent

Old percentage value (aka: should we update the progress bar) TODO: Maybe that we do not need this.

Timer timer

Used for generating ETA.

class StreamLogger

Public Functions

StreamLogger(LogFlag flag0, const char *file0, const char *func0, unsigned line0)
template <typename T>
StreamLogger &operator<<(const T &t)
StreamLogger &operator<<(std::ostream &(*f)(std::ostream&))

Private Members

LogFlag flag
const char *file
const char *func
unsigned line
std::ostringstream ss
class TA_Setup_Curves_Vars

Public Members

double L
double D
double E
double F
double G
double H
class TA_Setup_Vars
#include <terrain_attributes.hpp>

Calculate a variety of terrain attributes.

This calculates a variety of terrain attributes according to the work of Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190). Algorithms and helpful ArcGIS pages are noted in comments in the code.

Richard Barnes (, Burrough (1998)

This function should never be called on a NoData cell
  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • x0: X coordinate of cell to perform calculation on
  • y0: Y coordinate of cell to perform calculation on
  • &rise_over_run: Returns rise-over-run slope as per Horn 1981
  • &aspect: Returns aspect as per Horn 1981 in degrees [0,360). Degrees increase in a clockwise fashion. 0 is north, -1 indicates a flat surface.
  • &curvature: Returns the difference of profile and planform curvatures (TODO: Clarify, this is from ArcGIS and was poorly described)
  • &profile_curvature: Returns the profile curvature as per Zevenbergen and Thorne 1987. 0 indicates a flat surface.
  • &planform_curvature: Returns the planform curvature as per Zevenbergen and Thorne 1987. 0 indicates a flat surface.

Public Members

double a
double b
double c
double d
double e
double f
double g
double h
double i
class Timer
#include <timer.hpp>

Used to time how intervals in code.

Such as how long it takes a given function to run, or how long I/O has taken.

Public Functions


Creates a Timer which is not running and has no accumulated time.

void start()

Start the timers. Throws an exception if timer was already running.

double stop()

Stop the timer. Throws an exception if timer was already stopped. Calling this adds to the timer’s accumulated time.

The accumulated time in seconds.

double accumulated()

Returns the timer’s accumulated time. Throws an exception if the timer is running.

The timer’s accumulated time, in seconds.

double lap()

Returns the time between when the timer was started and the current moment. Throws an exception if the timer is not running.

Time since the timer was started and current moment, in seconds.

void reset()

Stops the timer and resets its accumulated time. No exceptions are thrown ever.

Private Types

typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock clock
typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1>> second

Private Functions

double timediff(const std::chrono::time_point<clock> &start, const std::chrono::time_point<clock> &end)

Number of (fractional) seconds between two time objects.

Private Members

std::chrono::time_point<clock> start_time

Last time the timer was started.

double accumulated_time = 0

Accumulated running time since creation.

bool running = false

True when the timer is running.

class WrappedArray2D

Inherits from richdem::Array2D< T >

Public Functions

void lazySetAll()

Public Members

bool null_tile = false
bool loaded = false
bool created = true
bool do_set_all = false
int create_with_width = -1
int create_with_height = -1
T set_all_val = 0
namespace richdem


typedef uint8_t d8_flowdir_t
typedef int8_t flowdir_t
using richdem::GridCellZ_pq = typedef std::priority_queue<GridCellZ<elev_t>, std::vector<GridCellZ<elev_t> >, std::greater<GridCellZ<elev_t> > >

A priority queue of GridCellZ, sorted by ascending height.

typedef std::string RandomEngineState
typedef std::mt19937 our_random_engine
typedef char label_t
typedef std::deque<grid_cell> flat_type


enum Topology


enum LogFlag


enum LindsayMode


enum LindsayCellType


enum PerimType



Counts # of cells bordering DEM edges or NoData cells.


Adds all cell edges bordering DEM edges or NoData cells.


std::map<std::string, std::string> ProcessMetadata(char **metadata)
std::string TopologyName(Topology topo)
template <Topology topo>
void TopologicalResolver(const int *&dx, const int *&dy, const double *&dr, const int *&dinverse, int &neighbours)
static std::string trimStr(std::string const &str)

Eliminate spaces from the beginning and end of str.

static std::string GetBaseName(std::string filename)

Get only the filename without its extension. That is, convert “path/to/file.ext” to “file”

bool fp_le(const double &a, const double &b)

Is a<=b?

bool fp_ge(const double &a, const double &b)

Is a>=b?

bool fp_eq(const double &a, const double &b)

Does a==b?

void ProcessMemUsage(long &vmpeak, long &vmhwm)

Return memory statistics of the process.

This code is drawn from “”

  • vmpeak: Peak virtual memory size (kB)
  • vmhwm: Peak resident set size (kB)

our_random_engine &rand_engine()
void seed_rand(unsigned long seed)
int uniform_rand_int(int from, int thru)
double uniform_rand_real(double from, double thru)
double normal_rand(double mean, double stddev)
template <class T>
T uniform_bits()
RandomEngineState SaveRandomState()
void SetRandomState(const RandomEngineState &res)
std::string rdHash()
std::string rdCompileTime()
std::string PrintRichdemHeader(int argc, char **argv)

Takes the program’s command line arguments and prints to stdout a header with a variety of useful information for identifying the particulars of what was run.

template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
bool HasDepressions(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations)

Determine if a DEM has depressions.

Priority-Flood starts on the edges of the DEM and then works its way inwards using a priority queue to determine the lowest cell which has a path to the edge. The neighbours of this cell are added to the priority queue. If the neighbours are lower than the cell which is adding them, then they are part of a depression and the question is answered.

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
True if the DEM contains depressions; otherwise, false.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection. (TODO)
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations

template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void PriorityFlood_Original(Array2D<elev_t> &elevations)

Fills all pits and removes all digital dams from a DEM.

Priority-Flood starts on the edges of the DEM and then works its way inwards using a priority queue to determine the lowest cell which has a path to the edge. The neighbours of this cell are added to the priority queue. If the neighbours are lower than the cell which is adding them, then they are raised to match its elevation; this fills depressions.

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. elevations contains no landscape depressions or digital dams.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection. (TODO)
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations

template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void PriorityFlood_Barnes2014(Array2D<elev_t> &elevations)

Fills all pits and removes all digital dams from a DEM, but faster.

Priority-Flood starts on the edges of the DEM and then works its way inwards using a priority queue to determine the lowest cell which has a path to the edge. The neighbours of this cell are added to the priority queue if they are higher. If they are lower, they are raised to the elevation of the cell adding them, thereby filling in pits. The neighbors are then added to a “pit” queue which is used to flood pits. Cells which are higher than a pit being filled are added to the priority queue. In this way, pits are filled without incurring the expense of the priority queue.

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. elevations contains no landscape depressions or digital dams.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection. (TODO)
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations

template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void PriorityFloodEpsilon_Barnes2014(Array2D<elev_t> &elevations)

Modifies floating-point cell elevations to guarantee drainage.

This version of Priority-Flood starts on the edges of the DEM and then works its way inwards using a priority queue to determine the lowest cell which has a path to the edge. The neighbours of this cell are added to the priority queue if they are higher. If they are lower, then their elevation is increased by a small amount to ensure that they have a drainage path and they are added to a “pit” queue which is used to flood pits. Cells which are higher than a pit being filled are added to the priority queue. In this way, pits are filled without incurring the expense of the priority queue.

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. elevations has no landscape depressions, digital dams, or flats.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection. (TODO)
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations

template <Topology topo>
void PriorityFloodEpsilon_Barnes2014(Array2D<uint8_t> &elevations)

Priority-Flood+Epsilon is not available for integer data types.

template <Topology topo>
void PriorityFloodEpsilon_Barnes2014(Array2D<uint16_t> &elevations)

Priority-Flood+Epsilon is not available for integer data types.

template <Topology topo>
void PriorityFloodEpsilon_Barnes2014(Array2D<int16_t> &elevations)

Priority-Flood+Epsilon is not available for integer data types.

template <Topology topo>
void PriorityFloodEpsilon_Barnes2014(Array2D<uint32_t> &elevations)

Priority-Flood+Epsilon is not available for integer data types.

template <Topology topo>
void PriorityFloodEpsilon_Barnes2014(Array2D<int32_t> &elevations)

Priority-Flood+Epsilon is not available for integer data types.

template <class elev_t>
void PriorityFloodFlowdirs_Barnes2014(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<d8_flowdir_t> &flowdirs)

Determines D8 flow directions and implicitly fills pits.

This version of Priority-Flood starts on the edges of the DEM and then works its way inwards using a priority queue to determine the lowest cell which has a path to the edge. The neighbours of this cell are given D8 flow directions which point to it. All depressions are implicitly filled and digital dams removed.

Richard Barnes (

Based on Metz 2011.

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
  1. flowdirs contains a D8 flow direction of each cell or a value NO_FLOW for those cells which are not part of the DEM.
  2. flowdirs has no cells which are not part of a continuous flow path leading to the edge of the DEM.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection. (TODO)
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations
  • &flowdirs: A grid of D8 flow directions

template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void pit_mask(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<uint8_t> &pit_mask)

Indicates which cells are in pits.

This version of Priority-Flood starts on the edges of the DEM and then works its way inwards using a priority queue to determine the lowest cell which has a path to the edge. If a cell is lower than this cell then it is part of a pit and is given a value 1 to indicate this. The result is a grid where every cell which is in a pit is labeled.

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
  1. pit_mask contains a 1 for each cell which is in a pit and a 0 for each cell which is not. The value 3 indicates NoData
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection. (TODO)
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations
  • &pit_mask: A grid of indicating which cells are in pits

template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void PriorityFloodWatersheds_Barnes2014(Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<int32_t> &labels, bool alter_elevations)

Gives a common label to all cells which drain to a common point.

All the edge cells of the DEM are given unique labels. This version of Priority-Flood starts on the edges of the DEM and then works its way inwards using a priority queue to determine the lowest cell which has a path to the edge. The neighbours of this cell are then given its label. All depressions are implicitly filled and digital dams removed. The result is a grid of cells where all cells with a common label drain to a common point.

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
  1. elevations contains no depressions or digital dams, if alter_elevations** was set.
  2. labels contains a label for each cell indicating its membership in a given watershed. Cells bearing common labels drain to common points.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection. (TODO)
  • elevations: A grid of cell elevations
  • labels: A grid to hold the watershed labels
  • alter_elevations: If true, then elevations is altered as though PriorityFlood_Barnes2014() had been applied. The result is that all cells drain to the edges of the DEM. Otherwise, elevations is not altered.

template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void PriorityFlood_Barnes2014_max_dep(Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, uint64_t max_dep_size)

Fill depressions, but only if they’re small.

Priority-Flood starts on the edges of the DEM and then works its way inwards using a priority queue to determine the lowest cell which has a path to the edge. The neighbours of this cell are added to the priority queue if they are higher. If they are lower, they are raised to the elevation of the cell adding them, thereby filling in pits. The neighbors are then added to a “pit” queue which is used to flood pits. Cells which are higher than a pit being filled are added to the priority queue. In this way, pits are filled without incurring the expense of the priority queue.

Richard Barnes (

When a depression is encountered this command measures its size before filling it. Only small depressions are filled.

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. elevations all landscape depressions <=max_dep_size are filled.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection. (TODO)
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations
  • max_dep_size: Depression must have <=max_dep_size cells to be filled

template <Topology topo, class T>
void FillDepressions(Array2D<T> &dem)
template <Topology topo, class T>
void FillDepressionsEpsilon(Array2D<T> &dem)
template <Topology topo, class T>
void BreachDepressions(Array2D<T> &dem)
template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void CompleteBreaching_Lindsay2016(Array2D<elev_t> &dem)

Breach depressions.

Depression breaching drills a path from a depression’s pit cell (its lowest point) along the least-cost (Priority-Flood) path to the nearest cell outside the depression to have the same or lower elevation.

John Lindsay, implementation by Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
The breached DEM.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection and simple unit tests.
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations

template <class elev_t>
void Lindsay2016(Array2D<elev_t> &dem, int mode, bool eps_gradients, bool fill_depressions, uint32_t maxpathlen, elev_t maxdepth)

Breach and fill depressions (EXPERIMENTAL)

Depression breaching drills a path from a depression’s pit cell (its lowest point) along the shortest path to the nearest cell outside the depression to have the same or lower elevation.

John Lindsay, implementation by Richard Barnes (

Several modes are available including:

Complete Breaching: All depressions are entirely breached. Selective Breaching: Depressions are breached provided the breaching path is not too long nor too deep. That which cannot be breached is filled. Breaching only takes place if the path meets the criteria. Constrained Breaching: A braching path is drilled as long and as deep as permitted, but no more.

NOTE: It is possible these three modes should be split into different functions.

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
The breached DEM.
The correctness of this command is determined by inspection and simple unit tests.
  • &elevations: A grid of cell elevations
  • eps_gradients: If True, then epsilon gradients are applied to breaching paths and depressions to ensure drainage.
  • fill_depresssions: If True, then depressions are filled.
  • maxpathlen: Maximum length of a breaching path
  • maxdepth: Maximum depth of a breaching path

template <Topology topo>
void Lindsay2016(Array2D<uint8_t> &dem, int mode, bool eps_gradients, bool fill_depressions, uint32_t maxpathlen, uint8_t maxdepth)
template <Topology topo>
void Lindsay2016(Array2D<int16_t> &dem, int mode, bool eps_gradients, bool fill_depressions, uint32_t maxpathlen, int16_t maxdepth)
template <Topology topo>
void Lindsay2016(Array2D<uint16_t> &dem, int mode, bool eps_gradients, bool fill_depressions, uint32_t maxpathlen, uint16_t maxdepth)
template <class T>
static void InitPriorityQue(Array2D<T> &dem, Array2D<bool> &flag, GridCellZ_pq<T> &priorityQueue)
template <class T>
static void ProcessTraceQue(Array2D<T> &dem, Array2D<bool> &flag, std::queue<GridCellZ<T>> &traceQueue, GridCellZ_pq<T> &priorityQueue)
template <class T>
static void ProcessPit(Array2D<T> &dem, Array2D<bool> &flag, std::queue<GridCellZ<T>> &depressionQue, std::queue<GridCellZ<T>> &traceQueue, GridCellZ_pq<T> &priorityQueue)
template <class T>
void PriorityFlood_Wei2018(Array2D<T> &dem)
template <class elev_t>
void ProcessTraceQue_onepass(Array2D<elev_t> &dem, Array2D<label_t> &labels, std::queue<int> &traceQueue, std::priority_queue<std::pair<elev_t, int>, std::vector<std::pair<elev_t, int>>, std::greater<std::pair<elev_t, int>>> &priorityQueue)
template <class elev_t>
void ProcessPit_onepass(elev_t c_elev, Array2D<elev_t> &dem, Array2D<label_t> &labels, std::queue<int> &depressionQue, std::queue<int> &traceQueue, std::priority_queue<std::pair<elev_t, int>, std::vector<std::pair<elev_t, int>>, std::greater<std::pair<elev_t, int>>> &priorityQueue)
template <class elev_t>
void PriorityFlood_Zhou2016(Array2D<elev_t> &dem)

Fills all pits and removes all digital dams from a DEM, quickly.

Works similarly to the Priority-Flood described by Barnes et al. (2014), but reduces the number of items which must pass through the priority queue, thus achieving greater efficiencies.

G. Zhou, Z. Sun, S. Fu, Richard Barnes (this implementation)

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM. Note that the NoData value is assumed to be a negative number less than any actual data value.
  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. elevations contains no landscape depressions or digital dams.
  • &dem: A grid of cell elevations

static void BuildAwayGradient(const Array2D<int8_t> &flats, Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, std::deque<GridCell> &high_edges, std::vector<int> &flat_height, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels)

Build a gradient away from the high edges of the flats.

The queue of high-edge cells developed in FindFlatEdges() is copied into the procedure. A breadth-first expansion labels cells by their distance away from terrain of higher elevation. The maximal distance encountered is noted.

Richard Barnes (

  1. Every cell in labels is marked either 0, indicating that the cell is not part of a flat, or a number greater than zero which identifies the flat to which the cell belongs.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient is marked IS_A_FLAT in flats.
  3. Every cell in flat_mask is initialized to 0.
  4. edges contains, in no particular order, all the high edge cells of the DEM (those flat cells adjacent to higher terrain) which are part of drainable flats.
  1. flat_height will have an entry for each label value of labels indicating the maximal number of increments to be applied to the flat identified by that label.
  2. flat_mask will contain the number of increments to be applied to each cell to form a gradient away from higher terrain; cells not in a flat will have a value of 0.
  • &flats: 2D array indicating flat membership from FindFlats()
  • &flat_mask: A 2D array for storing flat_mask
  • &edges: The high-edge FIFO queue from FindFlatEdges()
  • &flat_height: Vector with length equal to max number of labels
  • &labels: 2D array storing labels developed in LabelFlat()

static void BuildTowardsCombinedGradient(Array2D<int8_t> &flats, Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, std::deque<GridCell> &low_edges, std::vector<int> &flat_height, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels)

Builds gradient away from the low edges of flats, combines gradients.

The queue of low-edge cells developed in FindFlatEdges() is copied into the procedure. A breadth-first expansion labels cells by their distance away from terrain of lower elevation. This is combined with the gradient from BuildAwayGradient() to give the final increments of each cell in forming the flat mask.

Richard Barnes (

  1. Every cell in labels is marked either 0, indicating that the cell is not part of a flat, or a number greater than zero which identifies the flat to which the cell belongs.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient is marked IS_A_FLAT in flats.
  3. Every cell in flat_mask has either a value of 0, indicating that the cell is not part of a flat, or a value greater than zero indicating the number of increments which must be added to it to form a gradient away from higher terrain.
  4. flat_height has an entry for each label value of labels indicating the maximal number of increments to be applied to the flat identified by that label in order to form the gradient away from higher terrain.
  5. edges contains, in no particular order, all the low edge cells of the DEM (those flat cells adjacent to lower terrain).
  1. flat_mask will contain the number of increments to be applied to each cell to form a superposition of the gradient away from higher terrain with the gradient towards lower terrain; cells not in a flat have a value of 0.
  • &flats: 2D array indicating flat membership from FindFlats()
  • &flat_mask: A 2D array for storing flat_mask
  • &edges: The low-edge FIFO queue from FindFlatEdges()
  • &flat_height: Vector with length equal to max number of labels
  • &labels: 2D array storing labels developed in LabelFlat()

template <class T>
static void LabelFlat(const int x0, const int y0, const int label, Array2D<int32_t> &labels, const Array2D<T> &elevations)

Labels all the cells of a flat with a common label.

Performs a flood fill operation which labels all the cells of a flat with a common label. Each flat will have a unique label

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. labels has the same dimensions as elevations.
  3. **(x0,y0)** belongs to the flat which is to be labeled.
  4. label is a unique label which has not been previously applied to a flat.
  5. labels is initialized to zero prior to the first call to this function.
  1. **(x0,y0)** and every cell reachable from it by passing over only cells of the same elevation as it (all the cells in the flat to which c belongs) will be marked as label in labels.
  • x0: x-coordinate of flood fill seed
  • y0: y-coordinate of flood-fill seed
  • label: Label to apply to the cells
  • &labels: 2D array which will contain the labels
  • &elevations: 2D array of cell elevations

template <class T>
static void FindFlatEdges(std::deque<GridCell> &low_edges, std::deque<GridCell> &high_edges, const Array2D<int8_t> &flats, const Array2D<T> &elevations)

Identifies cells adjacent to higher and lower terrain.

Cells adjacent to lower and higher terrain are identified and added to the appropriate queue

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient is marked IS_A_FLAT in flats.
  1. high_edges will contain, in no particular order, all the high edge cells of the DEM: those flat cells adjacent to higher terrain.
  2. low_edges will contain, in no particular order, all the low edge cells of the DEM: those flat cells adjacent to lower terrain.
  • &low_edges: Queue for storing cells adjacent to lower terrain
  • &high_edges: Queue for storing cells adjacent to higher terrain
  • &flats: 2D array indicating flat membership from FindFlats()
  • &elevations: 2D array of cell elevations

template <class T>
void GetFlatMask(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, Array2D<int32_t> &labels)

Generates a flat resolution mask in the style of Barnes (2014)

This algorithm is a modification of that presented by Barnes (2014). It has been rejiggered so that a knowledge of flow directions is not necessary to run it.

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or the NoData value for cells not part of the DEM.
  1. flat_mask will have a value greater than or equal to zero for every cell, indicating its number of increments. These can be used be used in conjunction with labels to determine flow directions without altering the DEM, or to alter the DEM in subtle ways to direct flow.
  2. labels will have values greater than or equal to 1 for every cell which is in a flat. Each flat’s cells will bear a label unique to that flat. A value of 0 means the cell is not part of a flat.
  • &elevations: 2D array of cell elevations
  • &flat_mask: 2D array which will hold incremental elevation mask
  • &labels: 2D array indicating flat membership

template <class U>
void ResolveFlatsEpsilon_Barnes2014(const Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels, Array2D<U> &elevations)

Alters the elevations of the DEM so that all flats drain.

This alters elevations within the DEM so that flats which have been resolved using GetFlatMask() will drain.

Richard Barnes (

  1. flat_mask contains the number of increments to be applied to each cell to form a gradient which will drain the flat it is a part of.
  2. If a cell is part of a flat, it has a value greater than zero in labels** indicating which flat it is a member of; otherwise, it has a value of 0.
  1. Every cell whose part of a flat which could be drained will have its elevation altered in such a way as to guarantee that its flat does drain.

template <class U>
void ResolveFlatsFlowdirs_Barnes2014(const Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels, Array2D<U> &flowdirs)

Calculates flow directions in flats.

This determines flow directions within flats which have been resolved using GetFlatMask().

Richard Barnes (

Uses the helper function D8MaskedFlowdir()

  1. flat_mask contains the number of increments to be applied to each cell to form a gradient which will drain the flat it is a part of.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient has a value of NO_FLOW_GEN in flowdirs**; all other cells have defined flow directions.
  3. If a cell is part of a flat, it has a value greater than zero in labels** indicating which flat it is a member of; otherwise, it has a value of 0.
  1. Every cell whose flow direction could be resolved by this algorithm (all drainable flats) will have a defined flow direction in flowdirs**. Any cells which could not be resolved (non-drainable flats) will still be marked NO_FLOW_GEN.
  • &flat_mask: A mask from GetFlatMask()
  • &labels: The labels output from GetFlatMask()
  • &flowdirs: Returns flat-resolved flow directions

template <class T>
void FindFlats(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<int8_t> &flats)

Finds flats: cells with no local gradient.


Richard Barnes (

  1. flats contains the value 1 for each cell in a flat (all cells without a local gradient), 0 for each cell not in a flat (all cells with a local gradient), and -1 for each no data cell.
  • &elevations: An elevation field
  • &flats: An array of flat indicators (post-conditions)

static int d8_masked_FlowDir(const Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels, const int x, const int y)

Helper function to d8_flow_flats()

This determines a cell’s flow direction, taking into account flat membership. It is a helper function to d8_flow_flats()

Richard Barnes (

The flow direction of the cell

template <class U>
void d8_flow_flats(const Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels, Array2D<U> &flowdirs)

Calculates flow directions in flats.

This determines flow directions within flats which have been resolved using resolve_flats_barnes().

Richard Barnes (

Uses the helper function d8_masked_FlowDir()

  1. flat_mask contains the number of increments to be applied to each cell to form a gradient which will drain the flat it is a part of.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient has a value of NO_FLOW in flowdirs**; all other cells have defined flow directions.
  3. If a cell is part of a flat, it has a value greater than zero in labels** indicating which flat it is a member of; otherwise, it has a value of 0.
  1. Every cell whose flow direction could be resolved by this algorithm (all drainable flats) will have a defined flow direction in flowdirs**. Any cells which could not be resolved (non-drainable flats) will still be marked NO_FLOW.

template <class U>
static void BuildAwayGradient(const Array2D<U> &flowdirs, Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, std::deque<GridCell> edges, std::vector<int> &flat_height, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels)

Build a gradient away from the high edges of the flats.

The queue of high-edge cells developed in find_flat_edges() is copied into the procedure. A breadth-first expansion labels cells by their distance away from terrain of higher elevation. The maximal distance encountered is noted.

Richard Barnes (

  1. Every cell in labels is marked either 0, indicating that the cell is not part of a flat, or a number greater than zero which identifies the flat to which the cell belongs.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient is marked NO_FLOW in flowdirs.
  3. Every cell in flat_mask is initialized to 0.
  4. edges contains, in no particular order, all the high edge cells of the DEM (those flat cells adjacent to higher terrain) which are part of drainable flats.
  1. flat_height will have an entry for each label value of labels indicating the maximal number of increments to be applied to the flat identified by that label.
  2. flat_mask will contain the number of increments to be applied to each cell to form a gradient away from higher terrain; cells not in a flat will have a value of 0.
  • &flowdirs: A 2D array indicating each cell’s flow direction
  • &flat_mask: A 2D array for storing flat_mask
  • &edges: The high-edge FIFO queue from find_flat_edges()
  • &flat_height: Vector with length equal to max number of labels
  • &labels: 2D array storing labels developed in label_this()

template <class U>
static void BuildTowardsCombinedGradient(const Array2D<U> &flowdirs, Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, std::deque<GridCell> edges, std::vector<int> &flat_height, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels)

Builds gradient away from the low edges of flats, combines gradients.

The queue of low-edge cells developed in find_flat_edges() is copied into the procedure. A breadth-first expansion labels cells by their distance away from terrain of lower elevation. This is combined with the gradient from BuildAwayGradient() to give the final increments of each cell in forming the flat mask.

Richard Barnes (

  1. Every cell in labels is marked either 0, indicating that the cell is not part of a flat, or a number greater than zero which identifies the flat to which the cell belongs.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient is marked NO_FLOW in flowdirs.
  3. Every cell in flat_mask has either a value of 0, indicating that the cell is not part of a flat, or a value greater than zero indicating the number of increments which must be added to it to form a gradient away from higher terrain.
  4. flat_height has an entry for each label value of labels indicating the maximal number of increments to be applied to the flat identified by that label in order to form the gradient away from higher terrain.
  5. edges contains, in no particular order, all the low edge cells of the DEM (those flat cells adjacent to lower terrain).
  1. flat_mask will contain the number of increments to be applied to each cell to form a superposition of the gradient away from higher terrain with the gradient towards lower terrain; cells not in a flat have a value of 0.
  • &flowdirs: A 2D array indicating each cell’s flow direction
  • &flat_mask: A 2D array for storing flat_mask
  • &edges: The low-edge FIFO queue from find_flat_edges()
  • &flat_height: Vector with length equal to max number of labels
  • &labels: 2D array storing labels developed in label_this()

template <class T>
static void label_this(int x0, int y0, const int label, Array2D<int32_t> &labels, const Array2D<T> &elevations)

Labels all the cells of a flat with a common label.

Performs a flood fill operation which labels all the cells of a flat with a common label. Each flat will have a unique label

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. labels has the same dimensions as elevations.
  3. **(x0,y0)** belongs to the flat which is to be labeled.
  4. label is a unique label which has not been previously applied to a flat.
  5. labels is initialized to zero prior to the first call to this function.
  1. **(x0,y0)** and every cell reachable from it by passing over only cells of the same elevation as it (all the cells in the flat to which c belongs) will be marked as label in labels.
  • x0: x-coordinate of flood fill seed
  • y0: y-coordinate of flood-fill seed
  • label: Label to apply to the cells
  • &labels: 2D array which will contain the labels
  • &elevations: 2D array of cell elevations

template <class T, class U>
static void find_flat_edges(std::deque<GridCell> &low_edges, std::deque<GridCell> &high_edges, const Array2D<U> &flowdirs, const Array2D<T> &elevations)

Identifies cells adjacent to higher and lower terrain.

Cells adjacent to lower and higher terrain are identified and added to the appropriate queue

Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or a value NoData for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient is marked NO_FLOW in flowdirs.
  1. high_edges will contain, in no particular order, all the high edge cells of the DEM: those flat cells adjacent to higher terrain.
  2. low_edges will contain, in no particular order, all the low edge cells of the DEM: those flat cells adjacent to lower terrain.
  • &low_edges: Queue for storing cells adjacent to lower terrain
  • &high_edges: Queue for storing cells adjacent to higher terrain
  • &flowdirs: 2D array indicating flow direction for each cell
  • &elevations: 2D array of cell elevations

template <class T, class U>
void resolve_flats_barnes(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const Array2D<U> &flowdirs, Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, Array2D<int32_t> &labels)

Performs the flat resolution by Barnes, Lehman, and Mulla.


Richard Barnes (

  1. elevations contains the elevations of every cell or the NoData value for cells not part of the DEM.
  2. Any cell without a local gradient is marked NO_FLOW in flowdirs.
  1. flat_mask will have a value greater than or equal to zero for every cell, indicating its number of increments. These can be used be used in conjunction with labels to determine flow directions without altering the DEM, or to alter the DEM in subtle ways to direct flow.
  2. labels will have values greater than or equal to 1 for every cell which is in a flat. Each flat’s cells will bear a label unique to that flat.
  • &elevations: 2D array of cell elevations
  • &flowdirs: 2D array indicating flow direction of each cell
  • &flat_mask: 2D array which will hold incremental elevation mask
  • &labels: 2D array indicating flat membership

template <class U>
void d8_flats_alter_dem(const Array2D<int32_t> &flat_mask, const Array2D<int32_t> &labels, Array2D<U> &elevations)

Alters the elevations of the DEM so that all flats drain.

This alters elevations within the DEM so that flats which have been resolved using resolve_flats_barnes() will drain.

Richard Barnes (

  1. flat_mask contains the number of increments to be applied to each cell to form a gradient which will drain the flat it is a part of.
  2. If a cell is part of a flat, it has a value greater than zero in labels** indicating which flat it is a member of; otherwise, it has a value of 0.
  1. Every cell whose part of a flat which could be drained will have its elevation altered in such a way as to guarantee that its flat does drain.

template <class T, class U>
void barnes_flat_resolution_d8(Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<U> &flowdirs, bool alter)
static float dinf_masked_FlowDir(const Array2D<int32_t> &flat_resolution_mask, const Array2D<int32_t> &groups, const int x, const int y)
void dinf_flow_flats(const Array2D<int32_t> &flat_resolution_mask, const Array2D<int32_t> &groups, Array2D<float> &flowdirs)
template <class T>
void resolve_flats_barnes_dinf(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &flowdirs)
template <class T>
void ResolveFlatsEpsilon(Array2D<T> &elevations)

Alters the elevations of the DEM so that all flats drain.

This alters elevations within the DEM so that all cells will have a drainage path.

Richard Barnes (

  1. Every cell which is part of a flat that can be drained will have its elevation altered in such a way as to guarantee that it does drain.
  • &elevations: An elevations field

void FindFlats(const Array2D<uint8_t> &flowdirs, flat_type &flats)
template <class T>
void GradientTowardsLower(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const Array2D<uint8_t> &flowdirs, flat_type &flats, Array2D<int32_t> &inc1)
template <class T>
void GradientAwayFromHigher(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const Array2D<uint8_t> &flowdirs, flat_type &flats, Array2D<int32_t> &inc2)
template <class T>
void CombineGradients(Array2D<T> &elevations, const Array2D<int32_t> &inc1, const Array2D<int32_t> &inc2, float epsilon)
template <class T>
void GarbrechtAlg(Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<uint8_t> &flowdirs)
template <class T>
static int d8_FlowDir(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y)

Calculates the D8 flow direction of a cell.

This calculates the D8 flow direction of a cell using the D8 neighbour system, as defined in utility.h. Cells on the edge of the grid flow off the nearest edge.

Richard Barnes (

Helper function for d8_flow_directions().

The D8 flow direction of the cell
  • &elevations: A DEM
  • x: x coordinate of cell
  • y: y coordinate of cell

template <class T, class U>
void d8_flow_directions(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<U> &flowdirs)

Calculates the D8 flow directions of a DEM.

This calculates the D8 flow directions of a DEM. Its argument ‘flowdirs’ will return a grid with flow directions using the D8 neighbour system, as defined in utility.h. The choice of data type for array2d must be able to hold exact values for all neighbour identifiers (usually [-1,7]).

Richard Barnes (

Uses d8_FlowDir() as a helper function.

  • &elevations: A DEM
  • &flowdirs: Returns the flow direction of each cell

template <class T>
static float dinf_FlowDir(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y)

Determine the D-infinite flow direction of a cell.

This function determines the D-infinite flow direction of a cell, as described by Tarboton (1997) and Barnes (2013, TODO). TODO

Implementation by Richard Barnes (

A floating-point value between [0,2*Pi) indicating flow direction
  • elevations: A 2D grid of elevation data
  • x: x-coordinate of cell to determine flow direction for
  • y: y-coordinate of cell to determine flow direction for

template <class T>
void dinf_flow_directions(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &flowdirs)

Determine the D-infinite flow direction of every cell in a grid.

This function runs dinf_FlowDir() on every cell in a grid which has a data value.

Richard Barnes (

  • &elevations: A 2D grid of elevation data
  • &flowdirs: A 2D grid which will contain the flow directions

template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void FM_FairfieldLeymarie(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class elev_t>
void FM_Rho8(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class elev_t>
void FM_Rho4(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class E>
void FM_Freeman(const Array2D<E> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props, const double xparam)
template <class E>
void FM_Holmgren(const Array2D<E> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props, const double xparam)
template <Topology topo, class elev_t>
void FM_OCallaghan(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class elev_t>
void FM_D8(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class elev_t>
void FM_D4(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class E>
void FM_Quinn(const Array2D<E> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class elev_t>
void FM_Tarboton(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class E>
void FM_Dinfinity(const Array2D<E> &elevations, Array3D<float> &props)
template <class T>
static T sgn(T val)

Returns the sign (+1, -1, 0) of a number. Branchless.

Richard Barnes (
-1 for a negative input, +1 for a positive input, and 0 for a zero input
  • val: Input value

template <class T, class U>
void d8_flow_accum(const Array2D<T> &flowdirs, Array2D<U> &area)

Calculates the D8 flow accumulation, given the D8 flow directions.

This calculates the D8 flow accumulation of a grid of D8 flow directions by calculating each cell’s dependency on its neighbours and then using a priority-queue to process cells in a top-of-the-watershed-down fashion

Richard Barnes (

  • &flowdirs: A D8 flowdir grid from d8_flow_directions()
  • &area: Returns the up-slope area of each cell

template <class T, class U>
void d8_upslope_cells(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const Array2D<T> &flowdirs, Array2D<U> &upslope_cells)

Calculates which cells ultimately D8-flow through a given cell.

Given the coordinates x0,y0 of a cell and x1,y1 of another, possibly distinct, cell this draws a line between the two using the Bresenham Line-Drawing Algorithm and returns a grid showing all the cells whose flow ultimately passes through the indicated cells.

Richard Barnes (

The grid has the values:

1=Upslope cell 2=Member of initializing line All other cells have a noData() value

  • x0: x-coordinate of start of line
  • y0: y-coordinate of start of line
  • x1: x-coordinate of end of line
  • y1: y-coordinate of end of line
  • &flowdirs: A D8 flowdir grid from d8_flow_directions()
  • &upslope_cells: A grid of 1/2/NoData, as in the description

static void where_do_i_flow(float flowdir, int &nhigh, int &nlow)
static void area_proportion(float flowdir, int nhigh, int nlow, float &phigh, float &plow)
template <class T, class U>
void dinf_upslope_area(const Array2D<T> &flowdirs, Array2D<U> &area)

Calculate each cell’s D-infinity flow accumulation value.


Tarboton (1997), Richard Barnes (

  • flowdirs: A grid of D-infinite flow directions
  • &area: A grid of flow accumulation values

template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_Tarboton(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_Dinfinity(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_Holmgren(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum, double xparam)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_Quinn(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_Freeman(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum, double xparam)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_FairfieldLeymarieD8(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_FairfieldLeymarieD4(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_Rho8(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_Rho4(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_OCallaghanD8(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_OCallaghanD4(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_D8(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class elev_t, class accum_t>
void FA_D4(const Array2D<elev_t> &elevations, Array2D<accum_t> &accum)
template <class A>
void FlowAccumulation(const Array3D<float> &props, Array2D<A> &accum)

Calculate flow accumulation from a flow metric array.

Given a flow metric function func, this calculations the flow accumulation.

Richard Barnes (

  1. The accumulation matrix must already be initialized to the amount of flow each cell will generate. A good default value is 1, in which case the accumulation matrix will be modified to show how many cells’ flow ultimately passes through each cell.
  1. accum is modified so that each cell indicates how much upstrema flow passes through it (in addition to flow generated within the cell itself).
  • func: The flow metric to use
  • &elevations: An elevation field
  • &accum: Accumulation matrix: must be already initialized
  • args: Arguments passed to the flow metric (e.g. exponent)

template <class T, class U, class V>
void TA_SPI(const Array2D<T> &flow_accumulation, const Array2D<U> &riserun_slope, Array2D<V> &result)

Calculates the SPI terrain attribute.


Richard Barnes (

flow_accumulation and percent_slope must be the same size
result takes the properties and dimensions of flow_accumulation
  • &flow_accumulation: A flow accumulation grid (dinf_upslope_area())
  • &riserun_slope: A percent_slope grid (d8_slope())
  • &result: Altered to return the calculated SPI

template <class T, class U, class V>
void TA_CTI(const Array2D<T> &flow_accumulation, const Array2D<U> &riserun_slope, Array2D<V> &result)

Calculates the CTI terrain attribute.


Richard Barnes (

flow_accumulation and percent_slope must be the same size
result takes the properties and dimensions of flow_accumulation
  • &flow_accumulation: A flow accumulation grid (dinf_upslope_area())
  • &riserun_slope: A percent_slope grid (d8_slope())
  • &result: Altered to return the calculated SPI

template <class T>
static TA_Setup_Vars TerrainSetup(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)
template <class T>
static TA_Setup_Curves_Vars TerrainCurvatureSetup(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)
template <class T>
static double Terrain_Aspect(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)

Calculates aspect in degrees in the manner of Horn 1981.

Aspect in degrees in the manner of Horn 1981

template <class T>
static double Terrain_Slope_RiseRun(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)

Calculates the rise/run slope along the maximum gradient on a fitted surface over a 3x3 be neighbourhood in the manner of Horn 1981.

Rise/run slope

template <class T>
static double Terrain_Curvature(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)
template <class T>
static double Terrain_Planform_Curvature(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)
template <class T>
static double Terrain_Profile_Curvature(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)
template <class T>
static double Terrain_Slope_Percent(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)
template <class T>
static double Terrain_Slope_Radian(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)
template <class T>
static double Terrain_Slope_Degree(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const int x, const int y, const float zscale)
template <class F, class T>
static void TerrainProcessor(F func, const Array2D<T> &elevations, const float zscale, Array2D<float> &output)

Calculate a variety of terrain attributes.

This calculates a variety of terrain attributes according to the work of Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190). This function calls d8_terrain_attrib_helper to calculate the actual attributes. This function may perform some post-processing (such as on slope), but it’s purpose is essentially to just scan the grid and pass off the work to d8_terrain_attrib_helper().

Richard Barnes (, Burrough (1998)

Possible attribute values are


output takes the properties and dimensions of elevations
  • func: The attribute function to be used
  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • zscale: Value by which to scale elevation
  • &output: A grid to hold the results

template <class T>
void TA_slope_riserun(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &slopes, float zscale = 1.0f)

Calculates the slope as rise/run.

Calculates the slope using Horn 1981, as per Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190)

Richard Barnes (, Horn (1981)

  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • &slopes: A slope grid
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
void TA_slope_percentage(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &slopes, float zscale = 1.0f)

Calculates the slope as percentage.

Calculates the slope using Horn 1981, as per Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190)

Richard Barnes (, Horn (1981)

  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • &slopes: A slope grid
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
void TA_slope_degrees(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &slopes, float zscale = 1.0f)

Calculates the slope as degrees.

Calculates the slope using Horn 1981, as per Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190)

Richard Barnes (, Horn (1981)

  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • &slopes: A slope grid
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
void TA_slope_radians(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &slopes, float zscale = 1.0f)

Calculates the slope as radians.

Calculates the slope using Horn 1981, as per Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190)

Richard Barnes (, Horn (1981)

  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • &slopes: A slope grid
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
void TA_aspect(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &aspects, float zscale = 1.0f)

Calculates the terrain aspect.

Calculates the aspect per Horn 1981, as described by Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190) The value return is in Degrees.

Richard Barnes (, Horn (1981)

  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • &aspects: An aspect grid
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
void TA_curvature(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &curvatures, float zscale = 1.0f)

Calculates the terrain curvature per Zevenbergen and Thorne 1987.

Calculates the curvature per Zevenbergen and Thorne 1987, as described by Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190)

Richard Barnes (, Horn (1981)

  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • &curvatures: A curvature grid
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
void TA_planform_curvature(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &planform_curvatures, float zscale = 1.0f)

Calculates the terrain planform curvature per Zevenbergen and Thorne 1987.

Calculates the curvature per Zevenbergen and Thorne 1987, as described by Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190)

Richard Barnes (, Horn (1981)

  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • &planform_curvatures: A planform curvature grid
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
void TA_profile_curvature(const Array2D<T> &elevations, Array2D<float> &profile_curvatures, float zscale = 1.0f)

Calculates the terrain profile curvature per Zevenbergen and Thorne 1987.

Calculates the curvature per Zevenbergen and Thorne 1987, as described by Burrough 1998’s “Principles of Geographical Information Systems” (p. 190)

Richard Barnes (, Horn (1981)

  • &elevations: An elevation grid
  • &profile_curvatures: A profile curvature grid
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
double dem_surface_area(const Array2D<T> &elevations, const double zscale)

Calculate the surface of a digital elevation model.

Calculates the surface area of a digital elevation model by connecting the central points of cells with triangles and then calculating the area of the portion of each triangle which falls within the focal cell. The method is described in detail in Jenness (2004) <doi:10.2193/0091-7648(2004)032[0829:CLSAFD]2.0.CO;2>

Jenness (2004), Richard Barnes (

The surface area of the digital elevation model
  • &elevations: A grid of elevations
  • zscale: DEM is scaled by this factor prior to calculation

template <class T>
double Perimeter(const Array2D<T> &arr, const PerimType perim_type)

Calculates the perimeter of a digital elevation model.

Richard Barnes (
The perimeter of the digital elevation model
  • &arr:
  • perim_type: A PerimType value indicating how to calculate the perimeter.

template <Topology topo, class T, class U>
void BucketFill(const Array2D<T> &check_raster, Array2D<U> &set_raster, const T &check_value, const U &set_value, std::vector<size_t> &seeds)

Applies a bucket-fill paint operation to one raster based on another.

Richard Barnes (
  • &check_raster: Raster whose values are checked for the BucketFill
  • &set_raster: Raster whose values are set by the BucketFill. If set_raster already has set_value, then the FloodFill won’t progress over it. This avoids needing a separate visisted raster.
  • check_value: Value in check_raster which indicates a value in set_raster should be set
  • set_value: Value that set_raster is set to
  • &seed: Vector of seed cells to seed the BucketFill

template <Topology topo, class T, class U>
void BucketFillFromEdges(const Array2D<T> &check_raster, Array2D<U> &set_raster, const T &check_value, const U &set_value)

Applies a bucket-fill paint operation to one raster based on another starting from the edges.

Richard Barnes (
  • &check_raster: Raster whose values are checked for the BucketFill
  • &set_raster: Raster whose values are set by the BucketFill. If set_raster already has set_value, then the FloodFill won’t progress over it. This avoids needing a separate visisted raster.
  • check_value: Value in check_raster which indicates a value in set_raster should be set
  • set_value: Value that set_raster is set to

Array2D<double> perlin(const int size, const uint32_t seed)
GDALDataType peekLayoutType(const std::string &layout_filename)
int peekLayoutTileSize(const std::string &layout_filename)


const double SQRT2 = 1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948

sqrt(2), used to generate distances from a central cell to its neighbours

const int dx[9] = {0, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1}

x offsets of D8 neighbours, from a central cell

const int dy[9] = {0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1}

y offsets of D8 neighbours, from a central cell

const double d8r[9] = {0,1,SQRT2,1,SQRT2,1,SQRT2,1,SQRT2}
const bool n_diag[9] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}

True along diagonal directions, false along north, south, east, west.

const int D8_WEST = 1
const int D8_NORTH = 3
const int D8_EAST = 5
const int D8_SOUTH = 7
const int *const d8x = dx
const int *const d8y = dy
const int d4x[5] = {0, -1, 0, 1, 0}

x offsets of D4 neighbours, from a central cell

const int d4y[5] = {0, 0, -1, 0, 1}

y offsets of D4 neighbours, from a central cell

const double d4r[5] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 1}
const int D4_WEST = 1
const int D4_NORTH = 2
const int D4_EAST = 3
const int D4_SOUTH = 4
const int d8_inverse[9] = {0,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4}

Directions from neighbours to the central cell. Neighbours are labeled 0-8. This is the inverse direction leading from a neighbour to the central cell.

const int d4_inverse[5] = {0, 3, 4, 1, 2}
const double dr[9] = {0,1,SQRT2,1,SQRT2,1,SQRT2,1,SQRT2}

Distances from a central cell to each of its 8 neighbours.

const uint8_t d8_arcgis[9] = {0,16,32,64,128,1,2,4,8}

Convert from RichDEM flowdirs to ArcGIS flowdirs.

const uint8_t FLOWDIR_NO_DATA = 255

Used to indicate that a flowdir cell is NoData.

const flowdir_t NO_FLOW = 0

Value used to indicate that a cell does not have a defined flow direction.

const float NO_FLOW_GEN = -1

Value used to indicate NoFlow in generic flow metric outputs.

const float HAS_FLOW_GEN = 0
const float NO_DATA_GEN = -2
const int32_t ACCUM_NO_DATA = -1

Value used to indicate that a flow accumulation cell is NoData.

const uint8_t GRID_LEFT = 1

Indicates a tile is on the LHS of a DEM.

const uint8_t GRID_TOP = 2

Indicates a tile is on the top of a DEM.

const uint8_t GRID_RIGHT = 4

Indicates a tile is on the RHS of a DEM.

const uint8_t GRID_BOTTOM = 8

Indicates a tile is on the bottom of a DEM.

const std::string git_hash = "NO HASH SPECIFIED!"

Git hash of program’s source (used if RICHDEM_GIT_HASH is undefined)

const std::string compilation_datetime = __DATE__ " " __TIME__

Date and time of when the program was compiled (used if RICHDEM_COMPILE_TIME is undefined)

const std::string program_name = "RichDEM v2.2.9"

Richdem vX.X.X.

const std::string author_name = "Richard Barnes"

Richard Barnes.

const std::string copyright = "Richard Barnes © 2018"

Richard Barnes © 2018.

const std::string program_identifier = program_name + " (hash=" + git_hash + ", compiled="+compilation_datetime + ")"

Richdem vX.X.X (hash=GIT HASH, compiled=COMPILATION DATE TIME)

const float d8_to_dinf[9] ={-1, 4*M_PI/4, 3*M_PI/4, 2*M_PI/4, 1*M_PI/4, 0, 7*M_PI/4, 6*M_PI/4, 5*M_PI/4}
const int dy_e1[8] = { 0 , -1 , -1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 }
const int dx_e1[8] = { 1 , 0 , 0 , -1 , -1 , 0 , 0 , 1 }
const int dy_e2[8] = {-1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 }
const int dx_e2[8] = { 1 , 1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , 1 , 1 }
const double ac[8] = { 0., 1., 1., 2., 2., 3., 3., 4.}
const double af[8] = { 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1.}
const int dinf_dx[9] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1}
const int dinf_dy[9] = {0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0}
namespace std
file Array2D.hpp
#include “gdal.hpp”#include <array>#include <vector>#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <iomanip>#include <cassert>#include <algorithm>#include <typeinfo>#include <stdexcept>#include <limits>#include <ctime>#include <cmath>#include <unordered_set>#include <map>#include <richdem/common/Array3D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/version.hpp>#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ManagedVector.hpp>

Defines a 2D array object with many convenient methods for working with raster data, along with several functions for checking file data types.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file Array3D.hpp
#include “gdal.hpp”#include <vector>#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <iomanip>#include <cassert>#include <algorithm>#include <typeinfo>#include <stdexcept>#include <limits>#include <ctime>#include <unordered_set>#include <map>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/version.hpp>#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ManagedVector.hpp>

Defines a 3D array object with convenient methods for working raster data where information about neighbours needs to be stored and processed.

Richard Barnes (, 2018

file communication-threads.hpp
#include <cereal/types/string.hpp>#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>#include <cereal/types/map.hpp>#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>#include <sstream>#include <vector>#include <queue>#include <map>#include <atomic>#include <iterator>#include <cassert>#include <iostream>#include <list>#include <chrono>




template <class Fn>
void CommInit(int n, Fn &&fn, int *argc, char ***argv)
template <class T, class U>
void CommSend(const T *a, const U *b, int dest, int tag)
template <class T>
void CommSend(const T *a, nullptr_t, int dest, int tag)
int CommGetTag(int from)
int CommGetSource()
int CommRank()
int CommSize()
void CommAbort(int errorcode)
template <class T, class U>
void CommRecv(T *a, U *b, int from)
template <class T>
void CommRecv(T *a, nullptr_t, int from)
template <class T>
void CommBroadcast(T *datum, int root)
void CommFinalize()
int CommBytesSent()
int CommBytesRecv()
void CommBytesReset()
void CommBarrier()
file communication.hpp
#include <mpi.h>#include <cereal/types/string.hpp>#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>#include <cereal/types/map.hpp>#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>#include <sstream>#include <vector>#include <iterator>#include <cassert>#include <iostream>#include <thread>#include <chrono>

Abstract calls to MPI, allowing for transparent serialization and communication stats.

Richard Barnes (, 2015



Used to hide the fact that some variables are used only for assertions.


typedef uint64_t comm_count_type

Data type used for storing Tx/Rx byte counts.

typedef std::vector<char> msg_type

Data type for incoming/outgoing messages.


void CommInit(int *argc, char ***argv)

Initiate communication (wrapper for MPI_Init)

template <class T, class U>
msg_type CommPrepare(const T *a, const U *b)

Convert up to two objects into a combined serialized representation.

template <class T>
msg_type CommPrepare(const T *a, std::nullptr_t)

Convert one object into a serialized representation.

template <class T, class U>
void CommSend(const T *a, const U *b, int dest, int tag)

Serialize and send up to two objects.

template <class T>
void CommSend(const T *a, std::nullptr_t, int dest, int tag)

Serialize and send a single object.

void CommISend(msg_type &msg, int dest, int tag)

Send a pre-serialized object using non-blocking communication.

The object must be pre-serialized because the buffer containing the serialization must persist until the communication is complete. It makes more sense to manage this buffer outside of this library.

int CommGetTag(int from)

Check tag of incoming message. Blocksing.

int CommRank()

Get my unique process identifier (i.e. rank)

int CommSize()

How many processes are active?

void CommAbort(int errorcode)

Abort; If any process calls this it will kill all the processes.

template <class T, class U>
void CommRecv(T *a, U *b, int from)

Receive up to two objects and deserialize them.

template <class T>
void CommRecv(T *a, std::nullptr_t, int from)

Receive one object and deserialize it.

template <class T>
void CommBroadcast(T *datum, int root)

Broadcast a message to all of the processes. (TODO: An integer message?)

void CommFinalize()

Wrap things up politely; call this when all communication is done.

comm_count_type CommBytesSent()

Get the number of bytes sent by this process.

Number of bytes sent by this process

comm_count_type CommBytesRecv()

Get the number of bytes received by this process.

Number of bytes received by this process

void CommBytesReset()

Reset message size statistics to zero.


comm_count_type bytes_sent = 0

Number of bytes sent.

comm_count_type bytes_recv = 0

Number of bytes received.

file constants.hpp
#include <cstdint>#include <stdexcept>#include <string>

Defines a number of constants used by many of the algorithms.

RichDEM uses the following D8 neighbourhood. This is used by the dx[] and dy[] variables, among many others.


ArcGIS uses the following bits to indicate flow toward a given neighbour:

32 64 128
16  0   1
 8  4   2

D4 directions 2 103 4

file gdal.hpp
file grid_cell.hpp
#include <vector>#include <queue>#include <cmath>#include <functional>

Defines structures for addressing grid cells and associated queues.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file Layoutfile.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <fstream>#include <sstream>#include <iostream>#include <cassert>#include <stdexcept>

Defines classes used for reading and writing tiled datasets.

A layout file is a text file with the format:

file1.tif, file2.tif, file3.tif,
file4.tif, file5.tif, file6.tif, file7.tif
         , file8.tif,          ,

where each of fileX.tif is a tile of the larger DEM collectively described by all of the files. All of fileX.tif must have the same shape; the layout file specifies how fileX.tif are arranged in relation to each other in space. Blanks between commas indicate that there is no tile there: the algorithm will treat such gaps as places to route flow towards (as if they are oceans). Note that the files need not have TIF format: they can be of any type which GDAL can read. Paths to fileX.tif are taken to be relative to the layout file.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file loaders.hpp
#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/gdal.hpp>
file logger.hpp
#include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include <string>


file ManagedVector.hpp
#include <memory>
file math.hpp
#include <cstdint>#include <cmath>
file memory.hpp
#include <fstream>#include <string>

Defines functions for calculating memory usage.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file ProgressBar.hpp
#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <stdexcept>#include <richdem/common/timer.hpp>

Defines a handy progress bar object so users don’t get impatient.

The progress bar indicates to the user how much work has been completed, how much is left, and how long it is estimated to take. It accounts for multithreading by assuming uniform progress by all threads.

Define the global macro RICHDEM_NO_PROGRESS disables the progress bar, which may speed up the program.

The progress bar looks like this:

[===================================               ] (70% - 0.2s - 1 threads)

Richard Barnes (, 2015



Macros used to disguise the fact that we do not have multithreading enabled.

file random.hpp
#include <random>#include <string>



Maximum number of threads this class should deal with.

file timer.hpp
#include <chrono>#include <stdexcept>

Defines the Timer class, which is used for timing code.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file version.hpp
#include <string>#include <iostream>

Defines RichDEM version, git hash, compilation time. Used for program/app headers and for processing history entries.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file Barnes2014.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/grid_cell.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/d8_flowdirs.hpp>#include <queue>#include <limits>#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>

Defines all the Priority-Flood algorithms described by Barnes (2014) “Priority-Flood: An Optimal Depression-Filling and Watershed-Labeling Algorithm for Digital Elevation Models”.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file Barnes2014.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <richdem/common/grid_cell.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/flats/find_flats.hpp>#include <deque>#include <vector>#include <queue>#include <cmath>#include <limits>

Resolve flats according to Barnes (2014)

Contains code to generate an elevation mask which is guaranteed to drain a flat using a convergent flow pattern (unless it’s a mesa)

Richard Barnes (, 2012

file depressions.hpp
#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/depressions/Barnes2014.hpp>#include <richdem/depressions/Lindsay2016.hpp>#include <richdem/depressions/Wei2018.hpp>#include <richdem/depressions/Zhou2016.hpp>#include <stdexcept>
file Lindsay2016.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/grid_cell.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <richdem/common/timer.hpp>#include <limits>
file main.cpp
#include <richdem/common/interface.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/depressions/Barnes2014.hpp>#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <cstdint>


template <class elev_t>
int PerformAlgorithm(char alg, std::string filename, std::string output_prefix)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
file main.cpp
#include <iostream>#include <cstdint>#include <string>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/flats/flat_resolution.hpp>#include <richdem/flats/garbrecht.hpp>


template <class T>
int PerformAlgorithm(std::string alg, std::string filename, std::string output)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
file Wei2018.hpp
#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/grid_cell.hpp>#include <richdem/common/timer.hpp>#include <iostream>#include <queue>
file Zhou2016.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/timer.hpp>#include <queue>#include <vector>#include <map>#include <iostream>

Defines the Priority-Flood algorithm described by Zhou, G., Sun, Z., Fu, S., 2016. An efficient variant of the Priority-Flood algorithm for filling depressions in raster digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences 90, Part A, 87 – 96. doi:

The code herein has been extensive modified by Richard Barnes ( for inclusion with RichDEM.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file find_flats.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>


file flat_resolution.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <richdem/common/grid_cell.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/d8_flowdirs.hpp>#include <deque>#include <vector>#include <queue>#include <cmath>#include <limits>

Resolve flats according to Barnes (2014)

Contains code to generate an elevation mask which is guaranteed to drain a flat using a convergent flow pattern (unless it’s a mesa)

Richard Barnes (, 2012

file flat_resolution_dinf.hpp
#include <richdem/flats/flat_resolution.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/dinf_flowdirs.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>

Couples the Barnes (2014) flat resolution algorithm with the Tarboton (1997) D-infinity flow metric.

Richard Barnes

file flats.hpp
#include <richdem/flats/Barnes2014.hpp>
file garbrecht.hpp
#include <deque>#include <cstdint>#include <iostream>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/grid_cell.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/d8_flowdirs.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>
file generate_square_grid.cpp
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib>


IN_GRID(x, y)


int PrintDEM()
int GenerateDEM()
int main(int argc, char **argv)


char elevations[XBIG][YBIG]
int x_max
int y_max
file d8_flowdirs.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>

Functions for calculating D8 flow directions.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file dinf_flowdirs.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>

Defines the D-infinite flow routing method described by Tarboton (1997)

This file implements the D-infinite flow routing method originally described by Tarboton (1997). It incorporates minor alterations and additional safe-guards described in Barnes (TODO).

Richard Barnes (, 2015



Value used to indicate that a flow direction cell has no data.

file Fairfield1991.hpp
#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array3D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <richdem/common/random.hpp>
file Freeman1991.hpp
#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array3D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>
file Holmgren1994.hpp
#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array3D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>
file OCallaghan1984.hpp
#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array3D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>
file Orlandini2003.hpp
file Quinn1991.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array3D.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/Holmgren1994.hpp>
file Seibert2007.hpp
file Tarboton1997.hpp
#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array3D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <cmath>
file d8_methods.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/grid_cell.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <queue>#include <stdexcept>

Defines a number of functions for calculating terrain attributes.

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file dinf_methods.hpp
#include <cmath>#include <queue>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <richdem/common/grid_cell.hpp>

Terrain attributes that can only be calculated with Tarboton’s D-infinity flow metric.

This file implements the D-infinite flow routing method originally described by Tarboton (1997). It incorporates minor alterations and additional safe-guards described in Barnes (2013, TODO).

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file flow_accumulation.hpp
#include <richdem/flowmet/Fairfield1991.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/Freeman1991.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/Holmgren1994.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/OCallaghan1984.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/Orlandini2003.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/Quinn1991.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/Seibert2007.hpp>#include <richdem/flowmet/Tarboton1997.hpp>#include <richdem/methods/flow_accumulation_generic.hpp>
file flow_accumulation_generic.hpp
#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <queue>
file strahler.hpp
file terrain_attributes.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>
file misc_methods.hpp
#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>#include <richdem/common/ProgressBar.hpp>#include <cassert>#include <cmath>#include <queue>#include <stdexcept>

Terrain attributes that can only be calculated with Tarboton’s D-infinity flow metric.

This file implements the D-infinite flow routing method originally described by Tarboton (1997). It incorporates minor alterations and additional safe-guards described in Barnes (2013, TODO).

Richard Barnes (, 2015

file richdem.hpp
#include “common/Array2D.hpp”#include “common/constants.hpp”#include “common/grid_cell.hpp”#include “common/ManagedVector.hpp”#include “common/memory.hpp”#include “common/ProgressBar.hpp”#include “common/random.hpp”#include “common/timer.hpp”#include “common/version.hpp”#include “depressions/Barnes2014.hpp”#include “depressions/depressions.hpp”#include “depressions/Lindsay2016.hpp”#include “depressions/Zhou2016.hpp”#include “flats/flat_resolution.hpp”#include “flats/flat_resolution_dinf.hpp”#include “flowmet/d8_flowdirs.hpp”#include “flowmet/dinf_flowdirs.hpp”#include “flowmet/Fairfield1991.hpp”#include “flowmet/Freeman1991.hpp”#include “flowmet/Holmgren1994.hpp”#include “flowmet/OCallaghan1984.hpp”#include “flowmet/Orlandini2003.hpp”#include “flowmet/Quinn1991.hpp”#include “flowmet/Seibert2007.hpp”#include “flowmet/Tarboton1997.hpp”#include “methods/d8_methods.hpp”#include “methods/dinf_methods.hpp”#include “methods/flow_accumulation.hpp”#include “methods/flow_accumulation_generic.hpp”#include “methods/strahler.hpp”#include “methods/terrain_attributes.hpp”
file terrain_generation.hpp
#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>
file A2Array2D.hpp
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Layoutfile.hpp>#include <richdem/common/Array2D.hpp>#include <richdem/common/gdal.hpp>#include <richdem/tiled/lru.hpp>#include “gdal_priv.h”

Experimental tile manager for large datasets (TODO)

Richard Barnes

file lru.hpp
#include <list>#include <unordered_map>

Defines a Least-Recently Used (LRU) cache class.

Richard Barnes (, 2016

page md__home_docs_checkouts_readthedocs.org_user_builds_richdem_checkouts_latest_include_richdem_depressions_README

Title of Manuscript: Priority-Flood: An Optimal Depression-Filling and Watershed-Labeling Algorithm for Digital Elevation Models

Authors: Richard Barnes, Clarence Lehman, David Mulla

Corresponding Author: Richard Barnes (

DOI Number of Manuscript 10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.024

Code Repositories

This repository contains a reference implementation of the algorithms presented in the manuscript above. These implementations were used in performing the tests described in the manuscript.

There is source code for every pseudocode algorithm presented in the manuscript. All the code can be compiled simply by running make. The result is a program called priority_flood.exe.

This program reads in a DEM file specified on the command line. The file may be any ArcGrid ASCII file. The program will run one of the algorithms described in the manuscript (and below), store the result in an output file, and report how long this took.

The program is run by typing:

./priority_flood.exe <ALGORITHM NUMBER> <INPUT DEM>
./priority_flood.exe 3 input-data.asc

The algorithms available are described briefly below and in greater detail in the manuscript.

  • Algorithm 1: Priority-Flood This algorithm alters the input DEM to produce an output with no depressions or digital dams. Every cell which would have been in a depression is increased to the level of that depression’s outlet, leaving a flat region in its place. It runs slower than Algorithm 2, but is otherwise the same. The result is saved to out-pf-original.
  • Algorithm 2: Improved Priority-Flood This algorithm alters the input DEM to produce an output with no depressions or digital dams. Every cell which would have been in a depression is increased to the level of that depression’s outlet, leaving a flat region in its place. It runs faster than Algorithm 1, but is otherwise the same. The result is saved to out-pf-improved.
  • Algorithm 3: Priority-Flood+Epsilon This algorithm alters the input DEM to produce an output with no depressions or digital dams. Every cell which would have been in a depression is increased to the level of that depression’s output, plus an additional increment which is sufficient to direct flow to the periphery of the DEM. The result is saved to out-pf-epsilon.
  • Algorithm 4: Priority-Flood+FlowDirs This algorithm determines a D8 flow direction for every cell in the DEM by implicitly filling depressions and eliminating digital dams. Though all depressions are guaranteed to drain, local elevation information is still used to determine flow directions within a depression. It is, in essence, a depression-carving algorithm. The result is saved to out-pf-flowdirs.
  • Algorithm 5: Priority-Flood+Watershed Labels For each cell c in a DEM, this algorithm determines which cell on the DEM’s periphery c will drain to. c is then given a label which corresponds to the peripheral cell. All cells bearing a common label belong to the same watershed. The result is saved to out-pf-wlabels.

Algorithm 4: Priority-Flood+FlowDirs and its output, out-pf-flowdirs, use the D8 neighbour system to indicate flow directions. In this system all the flow from a central cell is directed to a single neighbour which is represented by a number according to the following system where 0 indicates the central cell.


The directory src/ contains the source code for the reference implementations. All the source code is drawn from the RichDEM hydroanalysis package. At the time of writing, the entire RichDEM code base could be downloaded from:


All of the algorithms assume that cells marked as having NoData will have extremely negative numerical values: less than the value of any of the actual data. NaN is considered to be less than all values, including negative infinity.

Notes on the Manuscript

Work by Cris Luengo on the speed of various priority queue algorithms is discussed in the manuscript. His website providing code for his implementatations is here.


Commit 51f9a7838d3e88628ef6c74846edd0cb18e7ffe6 (02015-09-25) introduced a number of changes to the code versus what was originally published with the manuscript. The old codebase uses ASCII-formatted data for input and output; the new codebase uses GDAL to handle many kinds of data.

The old codebase had the advantage of not relying on external libraries and being readily accessible to all parties. It had the disadvantage of being a slow, clumsy, and limited way to work with the data. As of 02015-09-25, the code requires the use of the GDAL library greatly expanding the data formats and data types which can be worked with, as well as greatly speeding up I/O.

Note that using the aforementioned 51f9a7838d directly will result in silent casting of your data to the float type; commit 8b11f535af23368d3bd26609cc88df3dbb7111f1 (02015-09-28) fixes this issue.

Additionally, the library now uses C++ for all streaming operations except the progress bar.

page md__home_docs_checkouts_readthedocs.org_user_builds_richdem_checkouts_latest_include_richdem_flats_README

Title of Manuscript: An Efficient Assignment of Drainage Direction Over Flat Surfaces in Raster Digital Elevation Models

Authors: Richard Barnes, Clarence Lehman, David Mulla

Corresponding Author: Richard Barnes (

DOI Number of Manuscript 10.1016/j.cageo.2013.01.009

Code Repositories

This repository contains a reference implementation of the algorithms presented in the manuscript above. It also contains a reference implementation of the algorithm presented by Garbrecht and Martz (1997). These implementations were used in performing speed comparison tests in the manuscript.

All the programs can be produced simply by running make.

The program generate_square_grid.exe makes a square DEM with a single outlet near the bottom-left corner. The grid size is specified as a command-line argument.

The two reference implementations use the D8 neighbour system to indicate flow directions. In this system all the flow from a central cell is directed to a single neighbour which is represented by a number according to the following system where 0 indicates the central cell.


The program barnes_algorithm.exe reads in a DEM file specified on the command line. The file may be generated by generate_square_grid.exe, but may also be any ArcGrid ASCII file. The program will time itself and report the results back. The program will print the determined flow directions for the DEM to a file named out_barnes. The determined flow directions are also printed as a matrix of arrows to out_barnes_arrows.

The program garbrecht_algorithm.exe attempts to reproduce the algorithm described by Garbrecht and Martz (1997). It accepts an ArcGRID ASCII file as a command line input. The input file may also be generated with generate_square_grid.exe. Note that this implementation does not apply itself iteratively, meaning that some flats will be unresolvable. It writes the determined flow directions to out_garbrecht. The determined flow directions are also printed as a matrix of arrows to out_garbrecht_arrows.

The directory src/ contains the source code for reference implementations. The source for the improved algorithm is drawn from the RichDEM hydroanalysis package. All code can be compiled by running the makefile included in the root directory. Running the BASH script FIRST_RUN will compile everything and run the programs.

At the time of writing, the entire RichDEM code base could be downloaded from:

page todo

dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/
dir /home/docs/checkouts/
example /home/docs/checkouts/

Creates a raster from a nested initializer list Array2D<int> x = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}

#ifndef _richdem_array_2d_hpp_
#define _richdem_array_2d_hpp_

#include "gdal.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <limits>
#include <ctime>         //Used for timestamping output files
#include <cmath>
#include <unordered_set> //For printStamp
#include <stdexcept>
#include <map>
#include <richdem/common/Array3D.hpp>
#include <richdem/common/logger.hpp>
#include <richdem/common/version.hpp>
#include <richdem/common/constants.hpp>
#include <richdem/common/ManagedVector.hpp>

//These enable compression in the loadNative() and saveNative() methods
#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filter/zlib.hpp>

namespace richdem {

template<typename> class Array3D;

inline std::map<std::string, std::string> ProcessMetadata(char **metadata){
  std::map<std::string, std::string> ret;
    return ret;

  for(int metstri=0;metadata[metstri]==NULL;metstri++){
    std::string metstr = metadata[metstri];
    const auto equals  = metstr.find("=");
      RDLOG_WARN<<"Skipping improper metadata string: '"<<metstr<<"'";
    std::string keystr = metstr.substr(0,equals);
    std::string valstr = metstr.substr(equals+1);
      RDLOG_WARN<<"Duplicate key '"<<keystr<<"' found in metadata. Only latter value will be kept.";
    ret[keystr] = valstr;

  return ret;

template<class T>
class Array2D {
  std::string filename;             
  std::string basename;             
  std::vector<double> geotransform; 
  std::string projection;           
  std::map<std::string, std::string> metadata; 

  //Using uint32_t for i-addressing allows for rasters of ~65535^2. These
  //dimensions fit easily within an int32_t xy-address.
  typedef int32_t  xy_t;            
  typedef uint32_t i_t;             

  static const i_t NO_I = std::numeric_limits<i_t>::max(); //TODO: What is this?

  template<typename> friend class Array2D;
  template<typename> friend class Array3D;

  std::array<int, 9> _nshift;       

  ManagedVector<T> _data;            

  T no_data = -1;                    
  mutable i_t num_data_cells = NO_I; 

  xy_t view_width  = 0;              
  xy_t view_height = 0;              

  xy_t view_xoff = 0;
  xy_t view_yoff = 0;

  bool from_cache;

  #ifdef USEGDAL
  void loadGDAL(const std::string &filename, xy_t xOffset=0, xy_t yOffset=0, xy_t part_width=0, xy_t part_height=0, bool exact=false, bool load_data=true){

    from_cache = false;

    this->filename = filename;

    RDLOG_PROGRESS<<"Trying to open file '"<<filename<<"'...";

    GDALDataset *fin = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen(filename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
      throw std::runtime_error("Could not open file '"+filename+"' with GDAL!");

      RDLOG_WARN<<"Could not get a geotransform from '"<<filename<<"'! Setting to an arbitrary standard geotransform.";
      geotransform = {{1000., 1., 0., 1000., 0., -1.}};

    metadata = ProcessMetadata(fin->GetMetadata());

    const char* projection_string=fin->GetProjectionRef();
    projection = std::string(projection_string);

    GDALRasterBand *band = fin->GetRasterBand(1);

    xy_t total_width  = band->GetXSize();         //Returns an int
    xy_t total_height = band->GetYSize();         //Returns an int
    no_data           = band->GetNoDataValue();

    if(exact && (total_width-xOffset!=part_width || total_height-yOffset!=part_height))
      throw std::runtime_error("Tile dimensions did not match expectations!");

    //TODO: What's going on here?

      part_width  = total_width-xOffset;
      part_height = total_height-yOffset;

      part_width = total_width;
    view_width = part_width;

      part_height = total_height;
    view_height = part_height;

    view_xoff = xOffset;
    view_yoff = yOffset;



  #ifdef USEGDAL
  GDALDataType myGDALType() const {
    return NativeTypeToGDAL<T>();

  //TODO: Should save metadata
  void saveToCache(const std::string &filename){
    std::fstream fout;

    from_cache     = true;
    this->filename = filename;, std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios::trunc);
      throw std::logic_error("Failed to open cache file '"+filename+"'.");

      boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream out;
      auto &out = fout;

    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&view_height),    sizeof(xy_t));
    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&view_width),     sizeof(xy_t));
    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&view_xoff),      sizeof(xy_t));
    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&view_yoff),      sizeof(xy_t));
    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&num_data_cells), sizeof(i_t));
    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&no_data),        sizeof(T  ));

    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, 6*sizeof(double));
    std::string::size_type projection_size = projection.size();
    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&projection_size), sizeof(std::string::size_type));
    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, projection.size()*sizeof(const char));

    out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, size()*sizeof(T));


  void loadNative(const std::string &filename, bool load_data=true){
    std::ifstream fin(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

      throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load native file '" + filename +"!");

    this->filename = filename;
    from_cache    = true;

      boost::iostreams::filtering_istream in;
      auto &in = fin;
    #endif<char*>(&view_height),    sizeof(xy_t));<char*>(&view_width),     sizeof(xy_t));<char*>(&view_xoff),      sizeof(xy_t));<char*>(&view_yoff),      sizeof(xy_t));<char*>(&num_data_cells), sizeof(i_t));<char*>(&no_data),        sizeof(T  ));
    geotransform.resize(6);<char*>(, 6*sizeof(double));

    std::string::size_type projection_size;<char*>(&projection_size), sizeof(std::string::size_type));
    projection.resize(projection_size,' ');<char*>(&projection[0]), projection.size()*sizeof(char));

      resize(view_width,view_height);<char*>(, size()*sizeof(T));

    #ifdef USEGDAL

  Array2D(xy_t width, xy_t height, const T& val = T()) : Array2D() {

  Array2D(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T>> values) {
    const size_t height = values.size();
    const size_t width = values.begin()->size();
    for(const auto &x: values){
        throw std::runtime_error("All rows of the array must be the same width!");

    resize(width, height);

    size_t x=0;
    size_t y=0;
    for(const auto &row: values){
      for(const auto &col: row){
        operator()(x,y) = col;
    (void)height; //Suppress unused variable warning with NDEBUG

  Array2D(T *data0, const xy_t width, const xy_t height) : Array2D() {
    _data       = ManagedVector<T>(data0, (uint64_t)width*(uint64_t)height);
    view_width  = width;
    view_height = height;
    _nshift     = {{0,-1,-width-1,-width,-width+1,1,width+1,width,width-1}};

  template<class U>
  Array2D(const Array2D<U> &other, const T& val=T()) : Array2D() {
    view_width         = other.view_width;
    view_height        = other.view_height;
    view_xoff          = other.view_xoff;
    view_yoff          = other.view_yoff;
    geotransform       = other.geotransform;
    metadata           = other.metadata;
    projection         = other.projection;
    basename           = other.basename;
    resize(other.width(), other.height(), val);

  template<class U>
  Array2D(const Array3D<U> &other, const T& val=T()) : Array2D() {
    view_width         = other.view_width;
    view_height        = other.view_height;
    view_xoff          = other.view_xoff;
    view_yoff          = other.view_yoff;
    geotransform       = other.geotransform;
    metadata           = other.metadata;
    projection         = other.projection;
    basename           = other.basename;
    resize(other.width(), other.height(), val);

  Array2D(const std::string &filename) : Array2D(filename, false, 0,0,0,0, false, true) {}

  Array2D(const std::string &filename, bool native, xy_t xOffset=0, xy_t yOffset=0, xy_t part_width=0, xy_t part_height=0, bool exact=false, bool load_data=true) : Array2D() {
      loadNative(filename, load_data);
    } else {
      #ifdef USEGDAL
      loadGDAL(filename, xOffset, yOffset, part_width, part_height, exact, load_data);
        throw std::runtime_error("RichDEM was not compiled with GDAL!");

  void setCacheFilename(const std::string &filename){
    this->filename = filename;

  void dumpData(){

  void loadData() {
      throw std::runtime_error("Data already loaded!");

      loadNative(filename, true);
    } else {
      #ifdef USEGDAL
      GDALDataset *fin = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen(filename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
          throw std::runtime_error("Failed to loadData() into tile from '"+filename+"'");

      GDALRasterBand *band = fin->GetRasterBand(1);

      auto temp = band->RasterIO( GF_Read, view_xoff, view_yoff, view_width, view_height,, view_width, view_height, myGDALType(), 0, 0 );
        throw std::runtime_error("An error occured while trying to read '"+filename+"' into RAM with GDAL.");

        throw std::runtime_error("RichDEM was not compiled with GDAL!");

  T*       getData()       { std::cerr<<"richdem::Array2D::getData() is deprecated. Use data() instead"<<std::endl; return; }
  const T* getData() const { std::cerr<<"richdem::Array2D::getData() is deprecated. Use data() instead"<<std::endl; return; }

  T*       data()       { return; }
  const T* data() const { return; }

  i_t size() const { return view_width*view_height; }

  xy_t width() const { return view_width; }

  xy_t height() const { return view_height; }

  xy_t viewXoff() const { return view_xoff; }

  xy_t viewYoff() const { return view_yoff; }

  bool empty() const { return _data.empty(); }

  T noData() const { return no_data; }

  T min() const {
    T minval = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<size();i++){
      minval = std::min(minval,_data[i]);
    return minval;

  T max() const {
    T maxval = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<size();i++){
      maxval = std::max(maxval,_data[i]);
    return maxval;

  void replace(const T oldval, const T newval){
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<size();i++)
        _data[i] = newval;

  i_t countval(const T val) const {
    //TODO: Warn if raster is empty?
    i_t count=0;
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<size();i++)
    return count;

  inline i_t i0() const {
    return (i_t)0;

  void iToxy(const i_t i, xy_t &x, xy_t &y) const {
    x = i%view_width;
    y = i/view_width;

  inline i_t xyToI(xy_t x, xy_t y) const {
    assert(0<=x && x<view_width && 0<=y && y<view_height);
    return (i_t)y*(i_t)view_width+(i_t)x;

  i_t nToI(i_t i, xy_t dx, xy_t dy) const {
    int32_t x=i%view_width+dx;
    int32_t y=i/view_width+dy;
    if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=view_width || y>=view_height)
      return NO_I;
    return xyToI(x,y);

  i_t getN(i_t i, uint8_t n) const {
    assert(0<=n && n<=8);
    xy_t x = i%view_width+(xy_t)dx[n];
    xy_t y = i/view_width+(xy_t)dy[n];
    if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=view_width || y>=view_height)
      return NO_I;
    return xyToI(x,y);

  inline int nshift(const uint8_t n) const {
    assert(0<=n && n<=8);
    return _nshift[n];

  bool operator==(const Array2D<T> &o) const {
    if(width()!=o.width() || height()!=o.height())
      return false;
      return false;
    for(auto i=i0();i<o.size();i++)
        return false;
    return true;

  inline bool isNoData(xy_t x, xy_t y) const {
    assert(0<=x && x<view_width);
    assert(0<=y && y<view_height);
    return _data[xyToI(x,y)]==no_data;

  inline bool isNoData(i_t i) const {
    assert(0<=i && i<size());
    return _data[i]==no_data;

  inline bool isData(xy_t x, xy_t y) const {
    assert(0<=x && x<view_width);
    assert(0<=y && y<view_height);
    return _data[xyToI(x,y)]!=no_data;

  inline bool isData(i_t i) const {
    assert(0<=i && i<size());
    return _data[i]!=no_data;

  void flipVert(){
    for(xy_t y=0;y<view_height/2;y++)
    for(xy_t x=0;x<view_width;x++)
      std::swap(_data[xyToI(x,y)], _data[xyToI(x,view_height-1-y)]);

  void flipHorz(){
    for(xy_t y=0;y<view_height;y++){
      T* start = &_data[xyToI(0,y)];
      T* end   = &_data[xyToI(view_width,y)];

  void transpose(){
    RDLOG_WARN<<"transpose() is an experimental feature.";
    std::vector<T> new_data(view_width*view_height);
    for(xy_t y=0;y<view_height;y++)
    for(xy_t x=0;x<view_width;x++)
      std::swap(_data[(i_t)x*(i_t)view_height+(i_t)y], _data[xyToI(x,y)]);
    //TODO: Offsets?

  inline bool inGrid(xy_t x, xy_t y) const {
    return 0<=x && x<view_width && 0<=y && y<view_height;

    @brief Test whether a cell lies within the boundaries of the raster.

    Obviously this bears some difference from `inGrid(x,y)`.

    @param[in]  i   i-coordinate of cell to test

    @return TRUE if cell lies within the raster
  // bool inGrid(i_t i) const {
  //   return 0<=i && i<size();
  // }

  inline bool isEdgeCell(xy_t x, xy_t y) const {
    return x==0 || y==0 || x==view_width-1 || y==view_height-1;

  bool isTopLeft    (xy_t x, xy_t y) const { return x==0         && y==0;          }
  bool isTopRight   (xy_t x, xy_t y) const { return x==width()-1 && y==0;          }
  bool isBottomLeft (xy_t x, xy_t y) const { return x==0         && y==height()-1; }
  bool isBottomRight(xy_t x, xy_t y) const { return x==width()-1 && y==height()-1; }

  bool isTopRow    (xy_t x, xy_t y) const { return y==0;          }
  bool isBottomRow (xy_t x, xy_t y) const { return y==height()-1; }
  bool isLeftCol   (xy_t x, xy_t y) const { return x==0;          }
  bool isRightCol  (xy_t x, xy_t y) const { return x==width()-1;  }

  bool isEdgeCell(i_t i) const {
    xy_t x,y;
    return isEdgeCell(x,y);

  void setNoData(const T &ndval){
    no_data = ndval;

  void setAll(const T val){
    for(i_t i=0;i<size();i++)
      _data[i] = val;

  void resize(const xy_t width0, const xy_t height0, const T& val0 = T()){

    _nshift     = {{0,-1,-width0-1,-width0,-width0+1,1,width0+1,width0,width0-1}};

    view_width  = width0;
    view_height = height0;


    @brief Resize a raster to copy another raster's dimensions. Copy properies.

    @param[in]   other    Raster to match sizes with
    @param[in]   val      Value to set all the cells to. Defaults to the
                          raster's template type default value
  template<class U>
  void resize(const Array2D<U> &other, const T& val = T()){
    resize(other.width(), other.height(), val);
    geotransform       = other.geotransform;
    projection         = other.projection;

  void expand(uint64_t new_width, uint64_t new_height, const T val){

    if(new_width==view_width && new_height==view_height)
      throw std::runtime_error("RichDEM can only expand memory it owns!");

      throw std::runtime_error("expand(): new_width<view_width");
      throw std::runtime_error("expand(): new_height<view_height");

    auto old_width  = width();
    auto old_height = height();

    auto old_data = std::move(_data);   //This gets the pointer to the old data before it is replaced


    for(xy_t y=0;y<old_height;y++)
    for(xy_t x=0;x<old_width;x++)
      _data[y*new_width+x] = old_data[y*old_width+x];

  void countDataCells() const {
    num_data_cells = 0;
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<size();i++)

  i_t numDataCells() const {
    return num_data_cells;

  T& operator()(i_t i){
    return _data[i];

  T operator()(i_t i) const {
    return _data[i];

  T& operator()(xy_t x, xy_t y){
    return _data[xyToI(x,y)];

  T operator()(xy_t x, xy_t y) const {
    return _data[xyToI(x,y)];

  std::vector<T> topRow() const {
    return getRowData(0);

  std::vector<T> bottomRow() const {
    return getRowData(view_height-1);

  std::vector<T> leftColumn() const {
    return getColData(0);

  std::vector<T> rightColumn() const {
    return getColData(view_width-1);

  void setRow(xy_t y, const T &val){
    for(xy_t x=0;x<view_width;x++)
      _data[xyToI(x,y)] = val;

  void setCol(xy_t x, const T &val){
    for(xy_t y=0;y<view_height;y++)
      _data[xyToI(x,y)] = val;

  void setEdges(const T &val){
    setRow(0,          val);
    setRow(height()-1, val);
    setCol(0,          val);
    setCol(width()-1,  val);

  std::vector<T> getRowData(xy_t y) const {
    return std::vector<T>(,y),,y)+view_width);

  std::vector<T> getColData(xy_t x) const {
    std::vector<T> temp(view_height);
    for(xy_t y=0;y<view_height;y++)
    return temp;

  void clear(){
    _data = ManagedVector<T>();

  template<class U>
  void templateCopy(const Array2D<U> &other){
    geotransform       = other.geotransform;
    projection         = other.projection;
    basename           = other.basename;
    metadata     = other.metadata;

  #ifdef USEGDAL
  void saveGDAL(const std::string &filename, const std::string &metadata_str="", xy_t xoffset=0, xy_t yoffset=0, bool compress=false){
    char **papszOptions = NULL;
      papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszOptions, "COMPRESS", "DEFLATE" );
      papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszOptions, "ZLEVEL",   "6" );

    GDALDriver *poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName("GTiff");
      throw std::runtime_error("Could not open GDAL driver!");
    GDALDataset *fout    = poDriver->Create(filename.c_str(), width(), height(), 1, myGDALType(), papszOptions);
      throw std::runtime_error("Could not open file '"+filename+"' for GDAL save!");

    GDALRasterBand *oband = fout->GetRasterBand(1);

    //This could be used to copy metadata
    //poDstDS->SetMetadata( poSrcDS->GetMetadata() );

      std::time_t the_time = std::time(nullptr);
      char time_str[64];
      std::strftime(time_str, sizeof(time_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", std::gmtime(&the_time));
      fout->SetMetadataItem("TIFFTAG_DATETIME",   time_str);
      fout->SetMetadataItem("TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE",   program_identifier.c_str());

      //TODO: `metadata_str` may need removing
      metadata["PROCESSING_HISTORY"] += "\n" + std::string(time_str) + " | " + program_identifier + " | ";
        metadata["PROCESSING_HISTORY"] += metadata_str;
        metadata["PROCESSING_HISTORY"] += "Unspecified Operation";

    for(const auto &kv: metadata)
      fout->SetMetadataItem(kv.first.c_str(), kv.second.c_str());

    //The geotransform maps each grid cell to a point in an affine-transformed
    //projection of the actual terrain. The geostransform is specified as follows:
    //    Xgeo = GT(0) + Xpixel*GT(1) + Yline*GT(2)
    //    Ygeo = GT(3) + Xpixel*GT(4) + Yline*GT(5)
    //In case of north up images, the GT(2) and GT(4) coefficients are zero, and
    //the GT(1) is pixel width, and GT(5) is pixel height. The (GT(0),GT(3))
    //position is the top left corner of the top left pixel of the raster.

      auto out_geotransform = geotransform;

        throw std::runtime_error("Geotransform of output is not the right size. Found "+std::to_string(out_geotransform.size())+" expected 6.");

      //We shift the top-left pixel of hte image eastward to the appropriate
      out_geotransform[0] += xoffset*geotransform[1];

      //We shift the top-left pixel of the image southward to the appropriate
      out_geotransform[3] += yoffset*geotransform[5];



    #ifdef DEBUG
      RDLOG_DEBUG<<"Filename: "<<std::setw(20)<<filename<<" Xoffset: "<<std::setw(6)<<xoffset<<" Yoffset: "<<std::setw(6)<<yoffset<<" Geotrans0: "<<std::setw(10)<<std::setprecision(10)<<std::fixed<<geotransform[0]<<" Geotrans3: "<<std::setw(10)<<std::setprecision(10)<<std::fixed<<geotransform[3];

    auto temp = oband->RasterIO(GF_Write, 0, 0, view_width, view_height,, view_width, view_height, myGDALType(), 0, 0);
      throw std::runtime_error("Error writing file with saveGDAL()!");


  void printStamp(int size, std::string msg="") const {
    #ifdef SHOW_STAMPS
      const xy_t sx = width()/2;
      const xy_t sy = height()/2;

      std::cout<<"Stamp for basename='"<<basename
               <<"', filename='"<<filename
               #ifdef USEGDAL
               <<"', dtype="<<GDALGetDataTypeName(myGDALType())
               <<" at "<<sx<<","<<sy<<"\n";

      const xy_t sxmax = std::min(width(), sx+size);
      const xy_t symax = std::min(height(),sy+size);

      for(xy_t y=sy;y<symax;y++){
        for(xy_t x=sx;x<sxmax;x++)
          std::cout<<std::setw(5)<<std::setprecision(3)<<(int)_data[xyToI(x,y)]<<" ";

  void printBlock(const int radius, const xy_t x0, const xy_t y0, bool color=false, const std::string msg="", const int fwidth=5, const int precision=0) const {

    xy_t xmin = std::max(0,x0-radius);
    xy_t ymin = std::max(0,y0-radius);
    xy_t xmax = std::min(width(),x0+radius);
    xy_t ymax = std::min(height(),y0+radius);

    for(xy_t y=ymin;y<ymax;y++){
      for(xy_t x=xmin;x<xmax;x++){
        if(color && x==x0 && y==y0)
        if(std::is_same<T, flowdir_t>::value){
          std::cout<<(int)_data[xyToI(x,y)]<<" ";
        } else {
          std::cout<<_data[xyToI(x,y)]<<" ";
        if(color && x==x0 && y==y0)

  void printAll(const std::string msg="", const int fwidth=5, const int precision=0) const {

    for(xy_t y=0;y<height();y++){
      for(xy_t x=0;x<width();x++){
        if(std::is_same<T, flowdir_t>::value){
          std::cout<<(int)_data[xyToI(x,y)]<<" ";
        } else {
          std::cout<<_data[xyToI(x,y)]<<" ";

  void printAllFlows(const std::string msg="", const int fwidth=5) const {

    for(xy_t y=0;y<height();y++){
      for(xy_t x=0;x<width();x++){
        const auto dir = _data[xyToI(x,y)];
        if(0<=dir && dir<=8){
        } else {

  void printBlockIndices(const int radius, const xy_t x0, const xy_t y0, bool color=false, const std::string msg="", const int fwidth=5) const {

    xy_t xmin = std::max(0,x0-radius);
    xy_t ymin = std::max(0,y0-radius);
    xy_t xmax = std::min(width(),x0+radius);
    xy_t ymax = std::min(height(),y0+radius);

    for(xy_t y=ymin;y<ymax;y++){
      for(xy_t x=xmin;x<xmax;x++){
        if(color && x==x0 && y==y0)
        std::cout<<std::setw(fwidth)<<xyToI(x,y)<<" ";
        if(color && x==x0 && y==y0)

  void printAllIndices(const std::string msg="") const {

    for(xy_t y=0;y<height();y++){
      for(xy_t x=0;x<width();x++)
        std::cout<<std::setw(5)<<xyToI(x,y)<<" ";

  double getCellArea() const {
    return std::abs(geotransform[1]*geotransform[5]);

  double getCellLengthX() const {
    return std::abs(geotransform[1]);

  double getCellLengthY() const {
    return std::abs(geotransform[5]);

  void scale(const double x) {
    for(i_t i=0;i<size();i++)
        _data[i] *= x;

  inline bool owned() const {
    return _data.owned();


  • values: The raster