Release Steps

Updating Documentation

  1. Enter the docs directory.
  2. Run make html
  3. Enter the docs/richdem-docs directory. Commit changes.
  4. Go back to the docs directory. Commit changes.
  5. Push.
  6. This will trigger a ReadTheDocs build and a Travis build.

Updating Wheels

Acquire the manylinux build image with:

docker pull

Start the docker manylinux build image with:

docker run -i -t e0e55980c200 /bin/bash

You can list running images with:

docker ps

From within the container run the travis/ script to generate documentation.

From without the container run, e.g.:

docker cp mystifying_darwin:/io/wheelhouse/richdem-0.0.9-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl ./

Upload the wheel to PyPI with

twine upload richdem-0.0.9-cp*

Updating Source Dist

To generate a source distribution, run

python3 sdist

Upload it to PyPI with, e.g.

twine upload dist/richdem-0.0.10.tar.gz